Russian Roulette

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Game setup
Russian Roulette:
View scheme settings
Specially-designed map
1 worm per player

When the game starts, every player puts his worm on a separate piece of terrain. Worms are anchored, so it is advised to put them in a way they can fire freely in various directions. All players have infinite amount of homing missiles, and sometimes low gravity as well. During the game, the players target the empty space above the worms, and fire their homing missiles, which then starts to circle around the target. After 4 seconds, the missile looses its attraction to the target, and, taken by its momentum, falls down. If the player was lucky, the missile lands on an opponent worm. In an unlucky situation, it falls on the worm which fired it. The winner is who survives the game.


  • Always target above worms
  • Do not target worms
  • Always use full power
  • Kill the cow