Map Thief

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Revision as of 15:45, 5 July 2006 by Lex (Talk | contribs) (new version)

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Annelid icon.png  Map Theif
Map Theif screenshot
Developer: Annelid
Latest version: v2.0 / 21 February, 2006
Supported games: W:A, WWP
Language: Visual Basic
Licence: Closed source
Website: none?
Download: v1.0.1: (7 kb)

Map Theif [sic] is a map stealer. It allows users to save the map they played on last to a separate map file. The first public version was written by Annelid in 2002 and released on 2002-08-14.

Map Theif was made obsolete for Worms Armageddon players on 2004-02-20 by version of Worms Armageddon's Beta update, written by Deadcode. This update allowed players to right-click on a Replay file in Explorer and click "Extract Map" to extract the map file used in the replay.

On 2006-02-21, Annelid released a completely rewritten version of Map Theif, called Map Theif 2, due to popular demand by Worms World Party players, because the previous version was quite buggy.

TODO: update Map Theif icon and download