Drive for Weapons

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(Up to Scheme ideas)
Click to watch (W:A + Beta Update required) W:A replay: An example DfW match
with FoxHound, sbs and DannielXdx
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Game setup
Drive for Weapons:
View scheme settings
Specially-designed map (example)
Two per team
Combo: Mad Cows + Homing Pigeon

The concept of Drive for Weapons or DfW is a combination of Driver and Walk for Weapons. It is a race in which each player has 2 worms and it has to use only 1 of these (Driver) to go driving the other (Stoned) throughout the circuit (just like Driver scheme) but this time the indestructible maps are filled with weapon sprites on the floor due to the mandatory rule of only using a weapon if the worm being controlled is adjacent to a sprite of that weapon (just like Walk for Weapons). The scheme was based on Boom for Weapons.


  1. Place one worm at the Driver worm start and the other worm at the Stoned worm start (inside the Skunk Chamber).
  2. The second worm is like a "ball". It cannot be controled. Only the driver worm is able to move the stoned worm (attacking it).
  3. You can only use a weapon or utility if the driver worm is touching an area bounded to the weapon sprite. Teleport to teleport (following their colors).
  4. To win the game, first it is necessary to leave the stoned worm at its finish (hospital roof on first map) and plop it twice in a row, then the driver worm needs to go to its finish (at home on first map) and plop twice there too. Only with the two worms eliminated from the game (after they reached their finishes and their team health bar disappear from the game) it will be a valid victory.

Map details

Skunk Chamber: from the start differentiating the Driver from the Stoned

Drive for Weapons maps are complicated to be made. They require a Skunk Chamber, two starts, two finishes and many aspects to be considered; one of them is that the Driver worm must be able to go all the way back to the start using the weapon sprites if it advances way too much without bringing the Stoned for example (or it can teleport back). Also, the weapon sprites shouldn't interfere negatively on other parts of the map (in a way that very easy shortcuts could be explored making the standard route designed for the map be useless, or making the driver accidentaly go to the previous stage: this must be impossible or almost impossible to happen).


The first DfW icon (initial concept)

The scheme was created by FoxHound and sbs. The first map was uploaded as private on WMDB as a test-drive version only on 18th January 2021 (link published exclusively on this WKB article), but the map was already made since the very end of 2020 and was hosted a couple of times until then. The official complete release is about to be done, when sbs upgrade the graphics of the map (a remix of the test-drive version).

The project started when FoxHound messaged sbs on 19th November 2020 about the idea of Driver + Walk for Weapons (inspired by Boom for Weapons). Both players started to discuss how the scheme would work, and after 3 possibilities about how the weapon sprites would interact with the worms, the one that the driver must use the weapon it is touching was chosen (the others were: 1 - the driver would attack using the weapon that the stoned is touching; 2 - the driver could choose to either use the weapon it is touching or use the weapon that the stoned is touching. The free use of Jet Pack was also considered). Also, it was decided two different starts (each worm has one) and two finishes (each worm has one), being necessary to plop both twice to end the game. Another thing that was discussed: an initial use of the skunk in one of the worms to differenciate one from the other (due to the poisoned worm animation), being later transformed into the scheme's iconical Skunk Chamber (first as a simple hole on the map with all weapons with 1 of delay except Skunk and Teleport, later becoming the first attack of the driver to make the other worm stoned with a pixel by pixel tested route in which the skunk will follow perfectly). The first map explored the idea that the Driver is giving the Stoned a ride to the Hospital (and then must go back home).


Preview image for the teaser/trailer

On 9th October 2022, Kirill-Gamer released on his YouTube channel the teaser/trailer for the scheme, featuring 3 parts (home, hospital and boat) of the map upgrade sbs is working on. The video started with sbs asking FoxHound to ask Kirill if he could make a teaser or trailer for the scheme, since the map upgrade is almost complete. FoxHound sent the message via Discord on 24th September 2022 and after aproximately 2 weeks of suggestions for modifications by sbs and FoxHound, the final work by director Kirill was released. The story present on the video was mainly written by FoxHound, with some participation of sbs and Kirill as well.

Second map

A second map is planned by FoxHound, using the part of the first map that was cropped out of the original map. The map will be shorter, inspired by the original Boom for Weapons map that has a good size for gameplay duration. A new weapon is planned to be implemented: Flame Thrower, inspired by a comment by Run.

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