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Revision as of 20:04, 10 February 2023 by TheMadCharles (Talk | contribs) (added transcriptions and translations by master89, added notes about repeated lines)

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(Up to Soundbanks)
Filename Transcription Notes
Amazing incredibile incredible
Boring sigh sigh
Brilliant visto che roba? ddi you see that?
Bummer accidenti damn / accident
Bungee ow
ByeBye ciao ciao bye bye
Collect che chicca what a gem
ComeOnThen sbrigati hurry up
Coward codardo coward
DragonPunch beccati questo take that
Drop sono arrivati i rinforzi reinforcements have arrived
Excellent splendido splendid
Fatality fuori uno out one (same line as FirstBlood, but a different take)
Fire fuoco fire
FireBall all attacco on the attack
FirstBlood fuori uno out one (same line as Fatality, but a different take)
Flawless una vittoria facile easy win
GoAway aria
Grenade granata grenade
Hello hey hey
Hurry fai presto be fast
IllGetYou non mi sfuggirai you won't miss me
Incoming in arrivo incoming
JustYouWait aspetta e vedrai wait and see (same line as Revenge, but a different take)
Kamikaze kamikaze kamikaze
LeaveMeAlone pussa via shoo away
Missed mancato missed
Nooo nooo nooo
OhDear povero me poor me
OiNutter hey pazzoide hey crazy
Oops oops
Orders rispondete passo reply please
Ouch ai
Perfect che colpo what a shot
Revenge aspetta e vedrai wait and see (same line as JustYouWait, but a different take)
RunAway si salvi chi può save those who can
Stupid stupido stupid
TakeCover al riparo sheltered (same line as WhatThe, but a different take)
Traitor traditori traitor
Uh-oh al coperto indoors
Victory vittoria victory
WatchThis ahi ahi
WhatThe al riparo sheltered (same line as TakeCover, but a different take)
YesSir si signore yes sir
YoullRegretThat te ne pentirai you'll regret it
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