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(Up to Schemes)
Game setup
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Complex but open random island maps
6 per player (1v1), 3 per player (2v2)
Alt-F4 is a competitive ground scheme where your worms are limited to only using weapons from the F-key row they are named after.
Click to watch (W:A + Beta Update required) W:A replay: An interesting round
of Alt-F4 between KRD and ShyGuy
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Click to watch (W:A + Beta Update required) W:A replay: Another rather exciting
round of Alt-F4 between the two
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Alt-F4 is a highly strategic member of the F-key family of schemes, where worms are only allowed to use weapons that appear in the weapon panel row that they are named after (F1, F5, F9, F12...) as well as, in the case of Alt-F4, anything from the F8 row, any utility from the Util. row, and Skip Go. Best of 3 matches are played on random island maps between six 150 HP worms a side, with turn order set to cycle between them randomly. After the 15 minute round timer runs out and sudden death hits, all worms are set to 1 HP, but water does not rise. All weapon powers are set to the standard 3 stars in the scheme, including the Ninja Rope, giving it a single reshoot, but with rope knocking (and by extension Bungee knocking) disabled.

Because the way in which individual rounds play out depends in large part on what worms/F-keys appear on the battlefield, the scheme allows for an ever-evolving metagame to develop, even without any changes made to its scheme file. Through this mechanism, it is the players, via their choices, who in the long run decide which F-keys are expected to see more play because they just seem individually strong, which ones might only be niche inclusions intended to surprise opponents, which ones warrant going out of your way to kill off early, which ones could potentially be more dangerous in the hands of specific players, or as part of specific team compositions, or on specific maps and so on.


  • Each worm is only allowed to use weapons from the weapon panel row it is named after + anything from the F8 row + any utility
    • Skip Go is also allowed to be used by any worm.
    • Surrender is only allowed to be used by any worm in 1v1 matches, where it ends the round.
    • If you end up using a weapon your worm is not allowed to use, the punishment for it is using Skip Go on your following turn, without moving or doing anything else with that worm.
  • Each player is only allowed one of the same F-key on their team
    • Although an interesting alternative way of playing allows two of the same F-key per side. Note however that you won't be able to call your two worms the same name, so doing something like F9 and F9* is suggested.

Strategy and Metagame

On a fundamental level, offering a rough outline of what to expect from Alt-F4 and some guidance with constructing your team, the F-keys appear to fall into a few categories that are distinct both in theory and in practice.

Early game heavy hitters that are potentially very strong early, but prone to falling off in power when rounds drag on:

Consistent all-arounders that are generally good at all stages of the game, but do not obviously excel at anything:

Late game strategies and finishers that allow you to intentionally aim to take rounds late:

Synergistic supports and oddballs that don't do much on their own, but can shine in specific lineups:

Sometimes these categories end up overlapping slightly as well, depending on the details of the situation the worms/players find themselves in. But figuring out a team composition that's synergistic, not awkward in some crippling way and that works for you is half the fun of Alt-F4, so experiment away!

Synergies and Anti-Synergies

An intentionally nonexhaustive listing of suggestions for what synergies might be interesting to experiment with:

  • The F1 and F10 worms are both somewhat late game oriented F-keys; Bazookas are good against low health poisoned worms as well as at keeping Petrol Bomb fire alive. Even when their synergy doesn't come together, they remain individually strong in 1 HP sudden death.
  • Worms like F4, F5, F7, F9, F10 and F11 who can inflict heavy damage against (or score outright full HP kills on) enemies in specific positions obviously benefit greatly from having movement utilities (F8 and Util. rows) at their disposal. Too many of these worms going for too many easy early kills can leave you stranded later on, however.
  • As a worm that does nothing by itself, F12 is a synergy machine, although likely at its strongest coupled with aggressive early game worms like F7, F9 and F11. F4 with its Kamikaze and F5 with Dynamite are contenders as well.
  • When playing 2v2 or with an alternate ruleset that allows more than at most one of the same F-key per player, beware of using two of worms like F3, F5, F6 and F11, who all come with a very limited supply of their best (or all) weapons. Because inventories are shared, the anti-synergy of having more than one of these may prove costly.

Potential Counters

  • Late game, defensively played compositions running a F10 worm should be pretty good against aggressive ones that try to finish rounds early or risk their 150 HP F12 worm feeling increasingly useless as it watches the other F-keys slowly die to poison ticks, while getting ignored and intentionally left for last, at which point it is almost entirely useless. Needs testing, though.

Tips and Tricks

  • The scheme comes with a generous hotseat timer of 10 seconds. Don't forget to make use of it to plan out your turns in advance!


Tier Lists

Here's some tier lists for now, to help keep track of what we have historically thought was good and not good:

2020-05-16: KRD's initial Alt-F4 tier list

2020-05-25: KRD's second Alt-F4 tier list

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