Worms Armageddon ReadMe (English)/v3.6.28.0 Beta Update

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Revision as of 16:00, 26 June 2008 by Run! (Talk | contribs)

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  • Occasionally, W:A would freeze while minimised, making it impossible to restore the game and continue playing. It would become necessary to kill the "WA.exe" process.
  • In the front end, pasting text from the clipboard could cause a crash later on if the pasted string had a length divisible by 16 characters.
  • A WormNET server could cause a client-side crash by sending a malformed scheme-configuration string when the client joined a channel.
  • The previous feature "The precise fuse display (introduced in v3.6.20.1) is now disabled at the minimum Info display level (pressing Delete cycles through Info levels)." was incomplete. At the minimum display level, fuses that exceeded 3 or 5 seconds (depending on the weapon) were still shown. This was particularly troublesome because the 4-digit fuse could not be hidden when playing back Super Sheep runs in which Sheep Heaven was enabled.
  • A mine with a random fuse that happened to be exactly n.00 seconds would be displayed as "n.100" during playback of replays.
  • The game no longer uses 100% CPU when minimised. (An earlier fix in v3.6.20.1 was meant to do this, but was incomplete and did not work on all systems.)
  • With the slow front end workaround activated, there may now be flicker on certain systems (due to the fix that prevents 100% CPU use). Importing SlowFrontendWorkaround_AntiFlicker.reg (from the Tweaks folder) into your system registry may fix this problem, but it may cause the game's front end to use nearly 100% CPU unless minimised.
  • If, while playing a game, W:A is minimised by an external application or by a hotkey such as Alt-Tab, its colour palette will no longer be corrupted upon restoring.
  • The /me command now works properly while in the WormNET lobby (i.e., IRC).
  • Quit messages are now displayed in the WormNET lobby, along with the quit reason. A quit reason is now sent when hosting a game.
  • Map Editor
    • When loading a PNG map that had been previously resaved within the map editor, its cavern border status would be reset, instead of being overridden by the header as it should be.
    • When loading a PNG map that hadn't been previously resaved within the map editor, the enabled/disabled status of "Placement Holes" was carried over from the last map. Now it defaults to being disabled.
    • The Map Editor refused to load PNG maps that didn't have a true black in the palette. Black is now automatically added when necessary, if there is room in the palette.
    • In the file list box, subdirectories with names matching "*.CUS, *.IMG, *.PNG, *.BIT, *.LEV" would be listed twice — once as a subdirectory with <> around its name, and once as a fake file.
    • After loading an incomplete PNG file (resulting in the message "PNG Error: Invalid chunk length"), the incompletely-loaded picture would be committed upon exiting the Map Editor. Now, the notice "INVALID MAP FILE" is displayed instead.
    • The eight mini-thumbnails of generated maps were rendered at 160×58 and then resampled to 120×43, resulting in more aliasing than necessary. Now they are rendered directly at 120x44. (Note that as before, they are not anti-aliased.) The mini-thumbnails also had a mismatch between their clickable area and the area that caused their borders to light up upon mouse-over.
  • Entering a line at least 256 characters long in the host/join chat caused a local crash.
  • If the host of a game chose an intrinsic map (e.g. Cars or Polar), and then someone joined later, the chosen map would not be communicated to them. Thus if the game was started with that map, it would desync.
  • It was possible, sometimes even likely, for certain intrinsic maps (Birthday, Fruity2, Paris, Polar, Shoes, Speccy, and Village) to be initialised with Placement Holes in them. This depended on the random seed; now, a host will automatically avoid seeds that would lead to the presence of Placement Holes.
  • There are some filename inconsistencies between the various Soundbanks on the W:A CD-ROM. Two of them were handled in v3.6.19.7. This version handles a few more variations, in soundbanks including "Cad", "Formula One" and "Russian".
  • The game did not range-check the number of worms per team when loading a WAgame file. Giving this a value greater than 8 (using a hex editor or memory editor) would have bizarre effects due to the resulting access of out-of-range array elements, and may have even caused a crash with certain values.
  • When a text notice appears in-game (e.g., "1x Ninja Rope") it is now shown immediately, rather than being delayed by 1 frame as it was before. Also, the "transparency" dithering effect that is applied to the text is now never purely vertical, whereas before, this depended on the width of the rendered text.
  • In certain circumstances, replay launching (e.g. Playback) would fail with a crash error. This was rare, but consistent for those who experienced it.
  • The game now runs properly from the Czech W:A CD-ROM, whereas before, it would give a "WARNING: No default Flag Found" message upon startup.
  • A compatibility switch for Wine has been added, which works around several Wine issues which may prevent large maps from working. To activate the workaround, import the file NoLandInVram_On.reg (from the Tweaks folder) into Wine's registry using Wine's Regedit tool.
  • The utility selection hotkey, intended to be the key located between Escape, Tab and 1, is now bound to that key regardless of the currently active keyboard layout. To revert to the old behavior, using the current layout's grave accent ( ` ) key for utility selection, import LegacyUtilityKey_On.reg (from the Tweaks folder) into your system registry.
  • If an error occurred while connecting to an online game, for example if the room was full or if your name was already in use, the mouse cursor would inappropriately remain in the "busy" state.
  • At the Next Round stage, if only players of a single ally remained after others quit or disconnected, the light-up button and text entry box would disappear, but it would still be possible to enter text into the chat. Now, these two elements do not disappear unless all players except for the local player have quit or disconnected.
  • The Exit button in the Next Round screen is now never greyed out or disabled in any way.
  • If a player quits or is disconnected in-game, you will no longer have to wait 60 seconds for them to time-out in the Next Round screen.
  • Since v3.6.19.7, right-clicking the scheme name in the Net Join dialog would erroneously bring up a Windows GUI context menu with an invisible mouse cursor.
  • In the Match Finished screen (where the stats are shown), if the user minimised before the fanfare finished and the music began, the game would crash upon being restored.
  • Fixes affecting game logic
    • If a player released Mad Cows from a Worm on the rope, jetpack, parachute or bungee (by pressing Enter), and then pressed Enter a second time, the Worm would instantly dismount and would not respond to player input for the remainder of the turn and retreat.
    • It was possible for a perfectly aimed Shotgun to miss, if the target was farther away than the width of a map. For example, Worms at opposite diagonal corners of a map would not be able to hit each other with a gun.
    • If an external scheme editor was used to make the Petrol Bomb a "zero power" weapon, and an attempt was made to start a game with that scheme, W:A would crash. (See Footnote 2.)
    • It was possible for the Pneumatic Drill to fail when used by one Worm atop another. This happened when the top Worm (the one doing the Drilling) had not left the floor since initial autoplacement or Teleportation directly on land, but the bottom Worm (the one being Drilled) had fallen or landed on the floor.
    • In a cavern map with Indestructible Borders enabled and no detected available positions for Worm autoplacement, the attempt at autoplacement would fall into an infinite loop, audible as a string of beeps. This could happen after starting a game with an empty (or nearly 100% full) colour map with Placement Holes disabled, if the timer was allowed to expire on the forced manual placement or a CPU team was present. The game now automatically drowns the Worm in this case, which is what was intended.
    • The crosshair angle for the Blow Torch was misleading; it pointed at a 30° angle, whereas the digging angle is 22.5°.
    • The v3.6.26.4 Scales of Justice bug fix introduced a new bug. If a dead ally created a "gap" in the original list of allies, the ally at the end of the list would not have any health deducted or added.
    • It was previously possible for an empty Donor Card to be created. Now an ordinary grave is created instead.
    • It was possible, when blowing up a large number of Oil Drums and Crates simultaneously, to invoke a bug in the flamelet code (specifically, the code that destroys an old flamelet to create a new one).
    • It is possible, especially in large maps, for a projectile or flying animal to reach the edges of the coordinate system. In previous versions, passing an edge would result in wraparound or odd behavior. Now, objects are prevented from going beyond an edge; objects that are player-controlled or respond to wind may turn around and come back from an edge.
    • Due to unnecessary rounding errors, the Kamikaze deviated from a 45° angle by about 3° upwards when fired down-left or up-right; it also stretched further when going up-left and shorter when going down-right.
    • A dormant Mine would be stripped of its horizontal velocity upon bouncing on the floor or ceiling. This would happen in situations where the mine was knocked by an explosion, punch, etc., while it was still dormant. (A Mine is dormant for 4 seconds after it has been dropped; during this period, proximity to a Worm will not trigger it.)