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(Up to Game logic)

This page describes the network model used in Worms Armageddon.

WormNET games

W:A uses a peer-to-peer networking model, which means that games are hosted on the players' computers, and not on the WormNET server.

When a game is hosted on WormNET, the following happens:

  • On the hosting player's computer, Worms Armageddon begins listening for new connections on a TCP port (default 17011).
  • On the hosting player's computer, Worms Armageddon tells the WormNET server that it hosted a game, and includes the computer's IP address and the port number that the game is hosted on.
  • The WormNET server then includes the IP address and port in the WormNET game list. This game list is available to all WormNET users.
  • When a player double-clicks an entry in the WormNET game list, their copy of Worms Armageddon attempts to connect to the IP address and port specified in the game list entry.
  • If the connection succeeds, the player joins the game.

Obstacles such as NAT, routers, and firewalls can interfere with this process; see Hosting Guide for details on how to deal with them.


When a game is hosted from the LAN multiplayer screen, it is announced to the local network using broadcast packets. Different port numbers are used for this purpose (UDP ports 17010 and 17012).

Direct IP

A Direct IP game can be hosted by clicking the Direct IP button on the network multiplayer screen, or joined by first typing the host computer's IP address in the address field.

wa:// URL scheme

Worms Armageddon understands and registers the wa: protocol, which can be used to directly join a game. The wa:// URL can be obtained from a game's lobby by typing /url.

See also