Updates (Worms Armageddon)

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The latest official version of W:A is 3.0. Following Beta updates were developed outside Team17, by independent programmers.

All Beta updates up to and including were written almost solely by Deadcode, after being recruited by Team17. In September 2006, CyberShadow joined forces with Deadcode; all updates since and including were written by Deadcode and CyberShadow.

The latest Beta update can always be downloaded from wa.team17.com.


For a summary of new features added in Beta updates, see section 2.0 of the ReadMe. A web version can be found here.

A video illustrating some of the additions in Beta updates up to is available here: http://wormtube.worms2d.info/81/wa_beta_showdown


This site mirrors some of the released beta updates:

Technical information


WA_Update- is a Microsoft installer (with an embedded Microsoft Cabinet file, which can be extracted with cabextract under a Unix-like system or (presumably) EXTRACT.EXE on Windows). Inside this installer is actually another installer - an InstallShield installer. Inside this is the data1.hdr file, which points programs towards the two cab files. These are InstallShield Cabinets. These can be extracted with Unshield on UNIX or i6comp on Windows.

WA_Exe- and wa_update- to WA_Update- are technically not installers. They are just a plain zip file containing the updated files. One does not need to install previous updates, as these are cumulative.

WA_Update- to WA_Update- (and presumably some other versions) is a UPX-compressed self-extracting 7-Zip archive. The contents can be manually extracted using 7-Zip. Depending on which version of 7-Zip is being used, the UPX compression may have to be manually removed first.

Versions since come in an NSIS installer package, which automates most of the updating tasks - detects installation directory, downloads and installs prerequisites like the 3.0 Patch or the updated GFX archives (which were introduced in The updated GFX archives can be downloaded separately here, and it is a self-extracting 7z archive. Both of these (the NSIS installer and the 7-Zip archive) can be extracted with 7-zip, on Unix-like OSes and presumably Windows.

External links