From Worms Knowledge Base
(Up to 4)
- Players start out with 0 reputation
- Bad actions decrease reputation
- Quitting?
- If a player's reputation is below a certain threshold, certain things are enabled/disabled by default, but still overrideable (this must be made clear to everyone involved):
- Custom speechbanks and fanfares are muted
- The player's chat is ignored
- Players can manually increase or decrease others' reputations
- You can only change someone's reputation while or after playing with them, to prevent asking groups (friends/clanmates) to lower one person's rep
- The more reputation you have, the more you can affect others' reputation
- You can only change a player's reputation a certain amount within a time period
- You can't change a single player's reputation many times in a row, even over long periods
- Give a few trusted players a lot of reputation, to seed a web-of-trust-like system?
- Just playing gives you a little reputation over time?
- Negative reputation decays towards 0 over time
- Positive reputation decays towards 0 when the account is inactive