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(Up to Game logic)
Longbowicon.png Longbow
Type: Bow and Arrow (2 shots)
Keyboard selection: F3 (x5)
Standard effects: 15hp injury per arrow, arrows that hit the landscape become part of it
Present in: W:A, WWP
Power settings
Power Injury
1 7 hp
2 10
3 15
9 22
4 22
5 30
Values are per arrow.

Longbow is like the shotgun, but shoots 2 arrows instead of bullets. These arrows has a high force and can make a worm fly quite far.


  • The Shotgun can with bad luck create a crater beneath a worm, instead of pushing it away like you sometimes want it to. Therefore, the longbow is better for pushing enemies away because of its force.
  • Conbined with low gravity, this is a great way push away enemy worms to drown.
  • Since you have 2 shots, you can use the first shot to your own advantage, rather than the enemy's loss. For example, shooting the first arrow at a steep unclimbable cliff, might make you able to get up, since the arrow is solid after it has hit the ground.

Criticisms, Problems and Weaknesses

  • Not able to damage more than one worm, since it does not have a blast area.
  • If you stand too close to the target, you will get damaged yourself.
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