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Revision as of 06:49, 22 September 2008 by CyberShadow (Talk | contribs) (there is no exact date)

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(Up to People)

Deadcode is one of the most well known programmers of Worms Armageddon. With his work on Silkworm, the biggest cheat program ever seen for Worms Armageddon he got himself noticed by Team17 and the Worms community.

Having proven himself a skillful programmer, Deadcode was offered the chance to start working on updates for Worms Armageddon. Team17 released the Worms source code to him. Soon after, updates started to show up. Deadcode fixed many bugs and added many features to Worms Armageddon. He was the only person working on the beta updates until CyberShadow joined him in September 2006.