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Creating a Custom Soundbank

This page will serve as a guide to creating custom soundbanks. Before making a soundbank, check the Soundbank page to see a full list of voice clips.

Soundbanks are stored under the \DATA\User\Speech folder. Each soundbank is categorized by folder, with its folder name determining the name of the soundbank in-game. Each folder contains a collection of standard LPCM RIFF WAVE files (extension .wav). If a certain soundbank sound is missing, the worm will default to the respective sound file under \User\Speech, and if that file is missing then the worm will be silent if the respective condition is triggered.


Method 1: Soundbank Editor

Worms Armageddon has a built-in Soundbank Editor under \User\BankEditor.exe. It has a user interface that allows the input of most of the soundbank files except Hurry.wav.

Your custom soundbanks will default to \User\Speech

Keep in mind that WA defaults to the \User\Speech folder if there exists a same-name folder there. Your custom soundbank folder will be in the same folder as the list of default sounds. If you don't want your custom soundbank to be stored in that folder, but instead organized where the default soundbanks are, move it to \DATA\User\Speech.

[Insert example with BTD6 Corvus etc. Of custom sounds]

Method 2: Soundbank Folder, Copy Folder, Rename Sound Files

With this method, you can set up all of the soundbank files of a certain soundbank. One tedious way to do that is to simply copy-paste a pre-existing folder, then manually substitute each of the pre-existing sound files with custom sound files. It is more reliable than the Soundbank Editor, but more time-consuming.

Remember to rename a pre-existing soundbank file as a different name (e.g. Fire.wav to Fire - copy.wav) before substituting it with the new soundbank file.

[insert collection of images of substituting soundbank files in this method]

Sound Design

Experimenting with sound design is an art. Try to test out a variety of voicelines of that soundbank in an offline multiplayer match. Perform some of the most common interactions.

Some notes to consider when designing sounds:

  • Take a note of pre-existing Worms soundbanks to have a rough idea of each soundbank voice. Doing your own research may reveal a variety of contexts, lengths of the soundbank clips, and more.
  • When firing a weapon with a charge meter (e.g. Bazooka, Grenade), the voiceline may cut off early if the charging ends too soon.
  • When performing Incoming.wav or Orders.wav, the strike weapon arrives about 0.8s after the voiceline begins.
  • Voicelines Runaway.wav, Takecover.wav, Whatthe.wav, and the special Grenade.wav, always play 1 second before the explosive's fuse expires.
  • Drop.wav has different uses in each second-generation game. In W2, it plays when a crate is dropping down. Since version 3.6.23+ in W:A, this voiceline plays when a delayed weapon becomes available. It is unused in WWP.

[insert basic guide of the available sound files] [insert effective design of sound files] [insert tip about using a current folder of pre-existing soundbank WAV files as a basis, and mention renaming files]

[insert table of soundbanks with relative lengths and quirks regarding each soundbank per game and when interacting with weapons, plus comments about potential appropriate phrases for worms to speak out]

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