Mission walkthrough (Worms World Party)

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Revision as of 13:51, 3 July 2024 by Qwertyxp2000 (Talk | contribs) (Added tips and images, not sure about Mission 4 spelling, but is it really with the "Sheel"?)

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(Up to Missions)

Disclaimer: The following textual guides are by far not the only ways of beating WWP's missions. They are only meant to help you out when you're out of ideas.

This article has a to-do list:
  • add text walkthroughs for missions

Mission 1 - Good Ship Armageddon

Good Ship Armageddon

Your aim is to collect the vital crate at the top of the ship. Get the girders to get up from the rowboat. Afterwards, use your Jetpack to lift yourself up the ship. Don't worry if you can't immediately jetpack to the vital crate; the crate nearby the vital crate contains a Teleport.

Mission 2 - Doo Wop

Doo Wop

Drill holes with your Pneumatic Drill to reach the bottom and kill that enemy worm. You will need to conserve your limited Pneumatic Drills by digging the right holes. Some mines are present to allow you to break more of the terrain, but try to dodge the explosions if possible. If you reach the bottom platform, you will find a Baseball Bat, but you can still kill the enemy worm with your Pneumatic Drill.

Mission 3 - Jumble Sail

Jumbo Sail

The first deathmatch-style mission. You will want to focus on knocking the first closest enemy worm to the water before using the rest of your weapons to destroy the other worms on the left ship. Your Jetpack may be helpful to get yourself to the left ship.

Mission 4 - Shell Shock

Shell Shock

This mission is much different from a typical beat-the-enemy mission; health crates stock up "ammo" for the ship that your worm is riding upon. The intended solution for this mission is to collect a certain number of health crates, drop to the seat of the ship, and the mines will shoot at the enemy worms like a cannon. The girder provided will provide some protection against the shock of the mines.

Mission 5 - It's Raining Mines, Hallelujah

It's Raining Mines, Hallelujah
Note: the name of this mission is probably a reference to the song It's Raining Men by The Weather Girls (see References to other media).

Your worm must use the Jetpack to cross raining mines multiple times, starting with grabbing the crate for the 2x Mines, then going the opposite side of the lollipops to drop a Mine at an enemy worm, and dropping a Mine on the other enemy worm, and then fly to safety.

Mission 6 - Take Out The Thrash

Take Out The Thrash

Use a girder to get up between the first building and the tall left building. Some mines will rain down from above after the end of the opponent's turn, between the two tall buildings. You will need to be careful with placing the next girders; try spacing the girders to avoid the mines falling on them. Use your Low Gravity once you reached the tall right building, and quickly run and jump to the bottom while your Low Gravity is active. Collect that vital crate, which contains a Patsy's Magic Bullet, and aim at the middle of the three enemy worms.

Mission 7 - Missile Base

Missile Base

Use your Blowtorches to traverse through the terrain. Be mindful of how you use your Blowtorches and where you begin and move your worm. Also mind that the opponent can throw Grenades at you; before ending each turn, retreat to the middle of a tunnel, where Grenades won't be so useful.

Mission 8 - Woodland


Mission 9 - Jumpjet Defense

Jumpjet Defense

Be careful when using your Jetpack to avoid the activated Armageddon to kill the enemy worm. Anticipate where the meteors of the Armageddon will aim.

Mission 10 - Operation Alcatraz

Operation Alcatraz

Mission 11 - Apple Of Your Eye

Apple Of Your Eye

Mission 12 - Fruit Bastilles

Fruit Bastilles

Mission 13 - Stairway to Armageddon

Stairway to Armageddon
Note: the name of this mission is probably a reference to the song Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin (see References to other media).

Mission 14 - Rainforest Ruckus

Rainforest Ruckus

Mission 15 - Castle Hassle

Castle Hassle

Mission 16 - Bookworm


Mission 17 - Parachute Problems

Parachute Problems

Mission 18 - Pole To Pole

Pole To Pole

Mission 19 - Island Antics

Island Antics

Mission 20 - Berlin Boss

Berlin Boss

Mission 21 - Windymill On High

Windymill On High

Mission 22 - Bunged Up

Bunged Up

Mission 23 - Steeple Jack

Steeple Jack

Mission 24 - Radical Rescue

Radical Rescue

Mission 25 - Roping With Dinosaurs

Roping With Dinosaurs

Mission 26 - Rescue Me

Rescue Me

Mission 27 - Jegg Central

Jegg Central

Mission 28 - Chase The Ace

Chase The Ace

Mission 29 - Rule The Rooster

Rule The Rooster

Mission 30 - Super Tricky Sheep

Super Tricky Sheep

Mission 31 - Down On The Farm

Down On The Farm

Mission 32 - Icy Encounter

Icy Encounter

Mission 33 - Have No Fear, Old Dear

Have No Fear, Old Dear

Mission 34 - Back And Forth

Back And Forth

Mission 35 - Beachside Juggler

Beachside Juggler

Mission 36 - End Of The Line

End Of The Line

Mission 37 - Take'em Down

Take'em Down

Mission 38 - Pie Eating Piper

Pie Eating Piper

Mission 39 - Plane Crazy

Plane Crazy

Mission 40 - All Aboard

All Aboard

Mission 41 - Bungee Fun

Bungee Fun

Mission 42 - Hindenburger


Mission 43 - Puzzle At T'Mill

Puzzle At T'Mill

Mission 44 - Revenge at Stonehedge

Revenge at Stonehedge

Mission 45 - Invertebrate Invaders

Invertebrate Invaders

See also

External links

There is a page on speedrun.com dedicated to leaderboards for unassisted Worms World Party speedrunning categories, including the "All Missions" category. To qualify for placement in that category, players must follow the posted rules visible when clicking "View Rules" on that page.