Ultimate Clan

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The Ultimate Clan has been founded by Triad on July 2nd, 2012. UC is the first and the biggest Turkish Worms Armageddon community.

Clan History

When Triad returned WormNET in January 2012 (after a 1.5-year-long break), he was really disappointed: none of his old Turkish wormer friends were playing anymore. During the summer of 2012, he decided to create a Turkish Worms Armageddon forum. Triad was aiming to gather Turkish wormers to one place. Since Triad wasn't good at those stuff, his classmate ctoprakseven helped him to make a website. They built a simple forum. UC site got many Turkish players soon. UC was a national clan for Turkish people. First clan member was Emre. They successfully played a Shopper tournament. After UC Site had more players, they successfully played a bigger Roper tournament. Then when site reached good amount of members, Triad started Ultimate Clan League, a.k.a. UCL. In the first times, league games attached a topic called "UCL Games". Later on, the clan started welcoming players from countries other than Turkey, ZexorZ being the first non-Turkish player to join UC. This made UC an international clan. With his programming skills, ZexorZ started to code a league system, similar to TUS's. UC then recruited more people from other countries. The clan is still currently active: UC members can often be found online on TUS or in WormNET.

About Clan Website

In the offical website, everything people should know about Worms Armageddon is explained by Triad and other members to Turkish wormers. One can find:

  • Information about schemes and how to play them;
  • How to install and use patches and modules;
  • Map making tutorials and some good stuff to use when making a map;
  • Informations about bugs, glitches, rope tricks and guides explaining how to perform them;
  • Soundbanks, flags, graves and various other wormy stuff to use;
  • Guides and information for Worm Olympics, TUS, WMDB and many other Worms-related websites;
  • Tournaments and cups;
  • Ultimate Clan League;
  • Various offline challenges.

After the clan started welcoming players from countries other than Turkey, Triad started translating posts and forums to English; but since he's the only one working on it, the translation project progresses very slowly.

UC's Achievements

  • Most of new Turkish player learnt about WA from zero and most Turkish players learnt new things;
  • 159 games were played in UC League Season #1;
  • UC finished Worm Olympics 2013 as #5;
  • UC finished Worm Olympics 2013 as the clan with the most players;
  • Turkey finished Worm Olympics 2013 as #5, the best position in country standings Turkey had in Worm Olympics history.

Clan Members


Former Members
