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Revision as of 19:38, 5 January 2013 by StepS (Talk | contribs) (How does it work)

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(Up to WormKit)
Developer: Kawoosh
Latest version: / 3 January 2013
Supported games: W:A
Supported W:A version: and
Language: C++
License: Closed source
Download: for

wkRehost is a WormKit module which allows you to reopen the lobbys of already played games for more players to join without quitting WA and rehosting.

How does it work

You will need a snooper and the Load WormKit modules option (from Advanced Settings) enabled. Put the module into your W:A folder. Play the game. When you have played the match, get back to the initial game lobby, then minimise the game. In the snooper, host a game like you do usually. The second WA.exe process will open and close fast, overriding the Game ID of your current WA.exe, thus allowing more players to join without errors. It is similar to like it was done until which has fixed the Game ID bug.

The WormNAT2 games cannot be reopened in this way, because they use random ports, so it has to be implemented into the snooper's code. However this opportunity will be available in the upcoming Kawoosh's snooper.