From Worms Knowledge Base
(Up to People)
After playing and liking worms2 on sega, Billy was excited to find W:A in a $9.99 sale bin at a retail toy store. This was the year 1999. The rest is history. He began making maps almost immediately and despite all the glitches of the old days, has released countless classics. He is believed to have started the Fly-shopper frenzy and is credited as so. Although when asked, Billy says he got the idea from an old GJam map with a hole in the middle of the roof. However it was Ass9 who coined the name "Fly shopper" and created the scheme and maps to take shopping in a whole new direction. It wouldn't be long before other variations of the shopper started to emerge.
Billy is still currently active on W:A. He plays and releases new maps often.