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A new Worms game can't have no new weapons. Or utilites. Or power-ups. Wait, what's the difference?
Well, in original Worms Armageddon, only a few things were called utilites. Now it's everything that not hurts or it's not its general purpose (such as [[Ninja Rope]], [[Girder]], [[Blowtorch]] etc).
What about power-ups? Well, they're are basicaly renamed instant use utilites and now they have separate power-up crate, because it was strange for me that one crate type can contain both inventory items and instant use.
== Interface problems ==
Even thought so many weapons and utilites cannot be used in any way, their amount will still be too big for a small panel that we have in Armageddon. I currently have two solutions.
The first one, is a big panel. Yes, it will took a lot of screen space, especially on laptops, but! I have one interesting idea. What if we will divide it not only with "rows", in which you can choose weapons with buttons F1-F12, but also into "columns", in which you can choose weapons by buttons 1-0. You can also press these buttons at the same time to get weapon you need immideantly. It may be even faster than we have now, but again, it would take an insane amount of screen space.
Another one, is creating multiple small menus, between which you can switch. It would free a screen space, but it would take some additional time to switch between them, and also, you need to keep in mind what panel you currently have.
== List ==
Later I' create an article for each of them, but now, I have no time.
=== Changes in the existing ones ===
* [[Laser Sight]] is no longer a weapon, but rather an option.
* [[Super Banana Bomb]] is no longer a weapon, but rather an upgrade for the normal one.
* Now you can set fuse for the [[Mine]], just like with [[Grenade]].
=== Weapons ===
{| class="sortable" width="100%"
! Weapon !! Short Description !! Type
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Ferrets|Ferrets]] || Releases one or more ferrets that can walk on walls || Animal
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Sheep-on-a-rope|Sheep-on-a-rope]] || Sheep that you can control with a ninja rope || Animal
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Spider|Spider]] || Releases a spider that is able to climb walls. After pressing space releases a web thread that works like [[Bungee]]. After the second press, it explodes  || Animal
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Bunker Buster|Bunker Buster]] || Releases a large rocket from a jet that drills through the landscape || Air strike
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Bovine Blitz|Bovine Blitz]] || Releases up to five cows, each at any time you wish. Super-weapon || Air strike
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Super Bunker Buster|Super Bunker Buster]] || Upgrade version of normal one, that drill faster and deeper, and releases fire after explosions. Super-weapon || Air strike
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Buffalo of Lies|Buffalo of Lies]] || Works similar to [[Concrete Donkey]], but instead of digging the ground down, it runs in one horizontal direction, which can be selected. Super-weapon || Air strike
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Frost Strike|Frost Strike]] || Works similar to [[Napalm]], but instead of fire, it drops liquid nitrogen || Air Strike
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Poison Strike|Poison Strike]] || Drops 6 rocket, each of which not explodes, but rather realeases poisonous gas || Air Strike
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Knives|Knives]] || They have little damage, but can be used twice per turn || Close combat
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Vampire Bite|Vampire Bite]] || Has a little damage, but all of it will turn into health for your worm || Close combat
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Firework|Firework]] || Flies straight into the air, slowly drilling through the ground || Drop'n'run
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Sticky Mine|Sticky Mine]] || Mine that can stick to the ground || Drop'n'run
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Matryoshka|Matryoshka]] || After each explode, creates another bomb, that a little more weak. Process continues five times. Super-weapon || Drop'n'run
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Worm Trap|Worm Trap]] || Damages worms after catching it, and then damages it each turn, until will come the turn of the trapped worm itself|| Drop'n'run
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Unwanted Present|Unwanted Present]] || Explodes like a [[Dynamite]], but only after setted number of turns || Drop'n'run
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Ricochet Pistols|Ricochet Pistols]] || Shoots twice. Bullets can bounce off the ground 8 times || Gun
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Sniper Rifle|Sniper Rifle]] || Fires only one bullet, which is able to pass through several worms in a row || Gun
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Laser|Laser]] || Slowly digs throught the ground, while damaging worms and objects || Other
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Harpoon|Harpoon]] || Not only damages, but also attracts worms. GET OVER HERE!!! || Other
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Ice Ray|Ice Ray]] || Instead or digging throught the ground, it creates slippery ice attop the ground. Any worms on its way will first get the "Chilled" status affect, and then get frozen for a few turns. Super-weapon || Other
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Infernal Beam|Infernal Beam]] || Upgraded version of Laser, that digs faster and while doing this, releases fire. Super-weapon || Other
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Starburst|Starburst]] || Works similar to [[Super Sheep]], but instead of sheep - your worm, and damage is higher. Kills your worm || Other
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Space Blaster|Space Blaster]] || Fires a laser that can burn through any layer of earth until it collides with ground  || Other
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Gas Gun|Laser]] || Releases poisonous gas under big pressure || Other
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Chilli Pepper|Chilli Pepper]] || Just explodes, but also creates a lot of fire. It also creates a little of fire after each hit to the ground || Projectile
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Delayed Cluster Bomb|Delayed Cluster Bomb]] || Works like a [[Cluster Bomb]], but its clusters not exploding after touching the ground, but rather by the timer that you can set on the numpad || Projectile
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Drill Rocket|Drill Rocket]] || A projectile that drills throught the ground || Projectile
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Digger's Dream|Digger's Dream]] || Upgrades version of Drill Rocket, that digs faster and can touch the ground three times instead of one. You can also detonate it at any moment. Super-weapon || Projectile
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Dodgy Phone Battery|Dodgy Phone Battery]] || Attacks neariest worm with an electric strike, that then spreads to all other worms that were close to it|| Projectile
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Frost Bomb|Frost Bomb]] || Slighty explodes and creates liquid nitrogen || Projectile
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Sticky Grenade|Sticky Grenade]] || A grenade that can stick to the ground or objects || Projectile
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Smelly Cheesy Cheese|Smelly Cheesy Cheese]] || Just explodes, but also creates a lot of poisonous gas. It also creates a little cloud after each hit to the ground || Projectile
=== Utilites ===
{| class="sortable" width="100%"
! Utility !! Short Description !! Type
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Crowbar|Crowbar]] || Breaks any object and makes [[User:Mr. Fataled/Electromagnet|electromagnets]] expired || Close combat
|  [[User:Mr. Fataled/Wrench|Wrench]] || Fixes any damaged object and turns expired [[User:Mr. Fataled/Electromagnet|electromagnets]] and [[User:Mr. Fataled/Fan|fans]] into working ones || Close combat 
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Building Bricks|Building Bricks]] || Hybrid of [[Girder]] and [[Blowtorch]], allowing you to build a horizontal bridge or diagonal stairs || Construction
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Cement|Cement]] || Pours out liquid cement, which solidifies after a few seconds, turning into a ground || Construction
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Super Girder|Super Girder]] || Girder with two additional sizes, that can be placed even at the place of already existing ground (up to 100 pixels) || Construction 
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Slow Time|Slow Time]] || Slows down time, but not your worm, nor timer. Doesn't end your turn || Global
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Land Inverter|Land Inverter]] || Makes land destructible or indestructible, depending on its type for one turn. Doesn't end your turn || Global
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Wind Changer|Slow Time]] || Changes wind for one turn. Doesn't end your turn || Global
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Electromagnet|Electromagnet]] || Drops 2 electromagnets, that can either repel or attract metal objects and projectiles. They're expiring after several turns || Object
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Fan|Fan]] || Drops a fan, that blows in the left or right direction. Expires after several turns. Can be destroyed, after which explodes || Object
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Sentry Gun|Sentry gun]] || Drops a sentry gun, that attacks any enemy worm in close range. Can be destroyed, after which explodes || Object 
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Spring|Spring]] || Drops a spring that springs you up if you jump on it. The jump will be higher every time. Can be destroyed. Doesn't end your turn|| Object
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Statue|Statue]] || Undestructable and unmovable without [[Earthquake]] or [[User:Mr. Fataled/Telekinesis|Telekinesis]] || Object
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Double Jump|Double Jump]] || Allows you to jump twice in one turn. Doesn't end your turn || Other
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Donation|Donation]] || Your worm dies, and gives all its health to another worm || Other
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Energy Drink|Energy Drink]] || Removes chilled effect from your worm and gives it energized effect, that increases its mobility. Doesn't end your turn || Other
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/First Aid Kit |First Aid Kit]] || Heals either a worm with which you playing now, or any other worm close enough, and also removes poisoned and/or chilled effects. Doesn't end your turn || Other
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Steal|Steal]] || Steals one weapon from the enemy team. Doesn't end your turn || Other
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Swimming Suit|Swimming Suit]] || Protects your worm from losting health while swimming. Also, it allows you to swim even if it's not allowed in the settings. Doesn't end your turn || Other
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Protective Bubble|Protective Bubble]] || Protects your worm from being damage, poisoned or chilled in one turn. Doesn't end your turn || Other
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Telekinesis|Telekinesis]] || Allows you to move objects in the limited radius. Doesn't end your turn || Other
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Marked for Death|Marked for Death]] || For several turns double the damage received by the enemy worm || Other
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Vaccine|Vaccine]] || Removes poisoned effect from your worm and gives it buffed effect, that Heals it each turn. Doesn't end your turn || Other
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Rubber Ball|Rubber Ball]] || Can't damage, but can push worms and other objects depending on its speed. Stays on the ground even after your turn ends || Projectile
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Balloon|Balloon]] || Lifts your worm into the air. Highly exposed to the wind. Doesn't end your turn  || Transport
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Emergency Teleportation|Emergency Teleportation]] || Teleports each of your worms || Transport
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Hang Glider|Hang Glider]] || It works similar to [[Parachute]], but is not as much exposed to the wind and faster carries you horizontally. Doesn't end your turn || Transport
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Helicopter|Helicopter]] || Moves slower than [[Jet Pack]], but control is easier, and you can even stand still. Doesn't end your turn || Transport
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Portal Machine|Portal Machine]] || Creates two portal on the straight land. Doesn't end your turn || Transport
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Teleporting Sphere|Teleporting Sphere]] || Throws a projectile that teleports you after several seconds. Doesn't end your turn || Transport
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Teleswap|Teleswap]] || Swaps your worm with another || Transport
| [[User:Mr. Fataled/Time Warper|Time Warper]] || Teleports you not only in the space, but in time!!! Your worm will appear only after several turns || Transport
=== Power-ups ===
{| class="sortable" width="100%"
! Power-up !! Short Description
| Damage multiplier || Multiplies damage for one turn. You can configure the multiplier in the settings
| Time multiplier || Multiplies your current turn time. You can configure the multiplier in the settings
| Speed multiplier || Multiplies your speed (not only of walking, but of movement in general) for one turn. You can configure the multiplier in the settings
| Health multiplier || Multiplies health that you can from health crates, Vampire Bat etc for one turn. You can configure the multiplier in the settings
| Discount || Gives you discount for all weapons in the shop for one turn. You can configure the discount in the settings
| Crate spy || Allows you to see content of crates and bobby trapped crates on several turns. You can configure the number of turns it works in the settings
| Mine spy || Allows you to see did mines and fuzes of mines, even if they're random. You can configure the number of turns it works in the settings
| Wall spy || Allows you to see throught foreground, no matter if you have or have no worms behind it. You can configure the number of turns it works in the settings
| Weapons/health/utilities/power-ups/coins shower || Creates multiple crates of specific type
| Better animal/air strike/close combat/drop'n'run/gun/projectile weapons || Increases the power of a certain weapon type by one turn
=== Cheats ===
There's the ideas that are too simple and boring for turning them into new weapons.
* Army Shotgun - shoots twice after each use. Can make 4 shots in total.
* Battle Bow - has 4 arrows instead of 2.
* Girder Professional Pack - has 8 girders instead of 5.
* Safe Teleport - [[Teleport]] that doesn't end your turn.
* Expert Rope - has no angle restrictions even at low power levels, and also its length is two times longer and you can make two times more shots at each power level. At the power level 8, you can, just like with normal [[Ninja Rope]], make infinity shots.
* Aqua/Magma Pack - [[Jet Pack]] that can be used underwater/under lava. You'll not even lost your HP.
* Aqua/Magma Sheep - [[Super Sheep]] that can be used underwater/under lava.
* Legendary Anciet Axe - lows down enemy worm's HP by 75% instead of 50%.
* Super Banana Bomb - [[Banana Bomb]] that can be detonated manually.

Latest revision as of 02:24, 28 July 2023

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