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Maps. One of the most important things in Worms. Even thought maps and map editor are good in Worms Armageddon, there still things that can be enhanced.
== Layers ==
=== Middleground ===
The map itself. Nothing special to tell, works exactly the same way as you think.
=== Background ===
Purely decorative one. Worms and objects cannot interact with it, but it still can be damaged with explosions, even thought not so strongly.
=== Foreground ===
Unlike background, it can affects the game, because it's located in front of worms and objects, so it will hide them. It can be destroyed, but not so strongly.
=== Destroyed land background ===
Unlike normal background, it'll automatically appear on the destroyed pixel of middleground.
== Objects and crates ==
Now you can pre-place them! There's nothing new with objects, but if you're pre-place crate, you can configure:
* Weapons, utilites and power-ups
* Amount of HP
* If it vital (collecting setted amount of these will automatically make your team win)
* If they will reappear and also probability and number of turns required for their reappearing
Also, now you can place objects that you can't just make appear randomly. These include:
* Previously mentioned vital crates
* Targets (destroying setted amount of these will automatically make your team win)
* Flags (colored in the color of your team, losing these will make you lose)
* End teleports (after teleporting, worms dissapears. After teleporting setted amount of worms you will win)
== Special zones ===
Now you can set zones for spawning of different objects with different probability of spawn.
* Crate placement zones (including ones for specific crates)
* Object placement zones (barrels, mines etc)
* Worms placement zones
== Water level ==
With the transparent water and ability to make worms not drown, now you can choose how high water level will be from the beggining.
== Other customization ==
* Colored water
* Colored sky or no sky gradient at all (so you'll see the stars)
* Color of destroyed land edges
* Colored clouds
* Particles falling from the sky (you can also turn on or off spinning effect)
* Islands (repeating line of images in the background)

Latest revision as of 02:23, 28 July 2023

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