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== Basic team info ==
* Team name
* Name of each of eight worms and leader worm
* If it's player controlled, AI controlled (up to 8 levels) or non-playable (even thought it'll not play, it can trigger mines, explode after death etc)
* Fort
== Customization ==
* Hats for worms (pretty a minor part, but why not?)
* Flag
* Fanfare
* Gravestone
* HP bar ornament
* Victory quote (just a text)
* Victory dance
* Death animation
== Weapon Factory ==
This idea if pretty raw now, so I can't say too much. It'll be a replacement for team weapons, because why choose between [[Flame thrower]], [[Homing Pigeon]] or [[Old Woman]], when you can create your own launcher, throwing projectile, gun, drop'n'run, close combat or even an air strike?!
Well, there's one problem: balance. Ok, in local game play as crazy as you wish: but in online... There's easy, medicore and hard solutions:
Easy is just turn them off everywhere, expect some specific channels, such as #sandbox. But it'll almost fully will remove the point of the weapon factory. But if other solutions wouldn't work, it's the only one. Otherwise, only removing the weapon factory itself would work.
Medicore is add some limitations for the weapon settings, so you cannot play online if you, for example, set too much crater radius, so the entire map will be removed, or too much damage. Or if you have at the same time fire, liquid nitrogen and poison on too big amounts. Or if you set up ability to shoot four times in one turn. Etc, etc, etc, etc... It would be harder to set limits for all of possible imbalance combinations, and it's not very good when you purely for fun made an extremely powerful gun, just to have fun with friends, and every time, you have to reconfigure it, since you do not know if a particular game has a weapon factory enabled. Anyway, it's better than fully turning off it.
And finally, the hard way is automatic reconfiguration of the weapon if its parameters are too strong or weak relative to other weapons, and also setting up things such as delay, frequency of its in crate, ammunition etc. It would be very hard to make it qualitatively, so there wouldn't be a situations when a relatively weak weapon receives an unreasonably low ammunition and a long delay, or vice versa, a powerful, but not an imbalance turns into a completely imbalance one.

Latest revision as of 02:24, 28 July 2023

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