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== v3.7.0.0 Update (19.12.2012) ==
=== Исправления ===
* {{DC,CS}} Совместимость и взаимодействие
* {{CS}} Совместимость с Windows 8 была улучшена.
* {{CS}} Когда W:A запускается под Windows 8 в первый раз, она предлагает настроить флаги совместимости Windows, которые должны улучшить совместимость и производительность под Windows 8.
* {{DC}} Проблема, появившаяся в v3.6.30.0: файл WA.exe провоцировал ложное срабатывание в некоторых антивирусных программах
* {{DC}} В v3.6.28.0 была добавлена поддержка открытия файлов карт land*.dat из азиатских игр OnlineWorms и WWP Aqua в редакторе карт W:A. Однако, трое из них (land07.dat, land21.dat и land27.dat) из мини-версии корейской OnlineWorms не открывались.
* {{DC}} С параметрами командной строки /getmap, /getscheme и /getvideo было невозможным использование передних косых черт вместо задних в пути к файлу.
* {{DC}} Баг, появившийся в v3.6.23.0: после подключения к IRC-серверу, который пытался производить аутентификацию по ident, W:A не могла заходить на каналы.
* {{DC,CS}} Стандартные файлы, папки, настройки и их постоянство
* {{CS}} W:A теперь создаст пустые пользовательские папки при запуске, если они не существуют.
* {{CS,DC}} W:A теперь создаст стандартный файл команд, если он не существует.
* {{CS}} Параметр командной строки /register теперь будет докладывать об ошибках, сохраняя путь к инсталляции W:A.
* {{DC}} При регистрации ассоциаций (повторов и ссылок), W:A не перезаписывала пользовательскую настройку "Открыть с помощью…"
* {{DC}} Когда хостер включал одну из тестовых версий (BattyRope, RacingStuff и т.д.), подразумевалось сохранение их включенного состояния между несколькими раундами и матчами, будто бы тестовая версия была частью схемы. Однако, между матчами ее состояние не сохранялось.
* {{DC}} Баг, появившийся вv3.6.30.0: по возвращении из Кампании или Тренировки, стандартная схема некорректно задавалась в меню оффлайнового мультиплеера (мультиплеера за одним компьютером).
* {{DC}} Встроенные в игру карты не запоминались в режиме оффлайнового мультиплеера. Каждый раз при входе в меню мультиплеера (включая меню окончания раунда), выбранная встроенная карта перезаписывалась случайно сгенерированной.
* {{DC}} При запуске файла повтора, использующего встроенную карту, текущая карта (записанная в current.thm) стиралась. Если это производилось в то время, когда был запущен ещё один процесс W:A, картинка предпросмотра карты в таком процессе становилась пустой (или же, в версиях до, искажённой).
* {{DC}} Если при заходе в онлайновую игру хостер загружал карту формата .BIT или .LEV (при этом необязательно начиная игровой матч), часть представления текущей карты не была обновлена на стороне клиента. В таком состоянии, если пользователь (который был в том хосте клиентом) заходил в меню оффлайнового мультиплеера, отображалась последняя загруженная хостером карта, однако если пользователь затем нажимал правой кнопкой мыши на ней (чтобы открыть редактор карт), открывалась уже не та карта.
* {{DC}} После раунда "Тренировки" не сохранялись такие внутриигровые опции, как громкость и детализация фона.
* {{DC,CS}} Пользовательский интерфейс
* {{DC,CS}} Опции совместимости, которые перестали иметь смысл с версии v3.6.31.2b, были удалены.
* {{CS}} Теперь настройка "Исправление медленных меню" является флажком вместо выпадающего списка. Этот флажок переключает настройку между двумя состояниями, ранее известными, как "Выключено" и "Альтернативное". Что касается бывшей настройки "Включено", у неё тот же эффект, как и у "Выключено".
* {{DC}} При игре на очень широких картах (достигающих или почти достигающих предела ширины карт), перемещение курсора прицеливания (например, Телепорта) в правую часть экрана на высокой скорости (особенно при зажатой клавише Shift и/или средней кнопке мыши) могло привести к сдвигу курсора к левому краю карты.
* {{DC}} Если в редакторе карт мышь перемещалась за границу карты и назад, и при этом кнопка Alt не отпускалась из нажатого состояния, то координата, по которой курсор кисти возвращался на карту, не соответствовала той координате, под которой курсор кисти возвращался на самом деле.
* {{DC}} При перемещении мыши по выпадающему списку файлов в редакторе карт отображался текст подсказки кнопок, находящихся под выпадающим списком.
* {{DC}} Несмотря на исправления в v3.6.28.0, червь, летящий к правой границе мира на очень высокой скорости мог спровоцировать баг, при котором камера отображала левый край вместо правого. Скорость, достаточная для этого, была достигаема только при включенной опции "нет предела скорости" (например, в TestStuff).
* {{DC}} После создания, редактирования или удаления команды из меню настроек, выпадающий список "Язык" полностью повторял все языки и помещал их в низ списка (то есть, по типу A-B-C-A-B-C); это можно было делать неограниченное число раз (A-B-C-A-B-C-A-B-C-A-B-C…), и всё снова и снова добавлялись бы языки до тех пор, пока не выйти из меню настроек.
* {{DC}} Баг, появившийся в v3.6.30.0: выбор оружия при помощи правой кнопки мыши в оффлайновой игре приводил к тому, что при следующей попытке открыть игровой чат (например, для создания аннотаций в повторе) он слегка открывался, а затем мгновенно закрывался.
* {{CS}} Улучшилась обработка движений мыши во время игрового матча. Ранее, W:A неправильно обрабатывала более ранние входные сигналы, полученные за один и тот же кадр, а в некоторых ситуациях W:A могла застынуть в чёрном экране при восстановлении из свёрнутого состояния во время игрового матча либо при его старте.
* {{CS}} Когда терялась первичная поверхность DirectDraw, она восстанавливалась некорректно. Это замедляло скорость разворачивания W:A из свёрнутого состояния на один кадр без какой бы то ни было нужды.
* {{CS}} Оптимизировалась прорисовка градиентов фона (как в меню, так и во время игрового матча).
* {{DC}} Кнопки в меню не подсвечивались мгновенно при наведении на них мышью. Вместо этого они подсвечивались тогда, когда мышь перемещалась от одной точки к другой на кнопке.
* {{DC}} Под Wine, нажатие кнопки ESC в любой секции меню мгновенно передавалось всем окнам, приводя, как правило, к мгновенному выходу из игры.
* {{DC,CS}} Косметические проблемы с видео и аудио
* {{DC,CS}} Баги, появившиеся в v3.6.31.2b
* {{CS}} Курсоры кисти в редакторе карт отображались некорректно.
* {{DC}} Иконка телефона, которая должна отображаться только при закрытой панели чата и новом сообщении, отправленном удалённым игроком, иногда (под некоторыми условиями) быстро мелькала при закрытии панели чата (при помощи кнопки PageUp) или при уменьшении высоты (Ctrl+Вверх).
* {{DC}} Ползунок уровня воды в редакторе карт неправильно отображал свой голубой прямоугольник.
* {{CS}} На некоторых системах при заданном высоком разрешении экрана (например, 2560x1600), разворачивание из свёрнутого состояния во время игрового матча иногда могло провоцировать постоянные моргания.
* {{DC}} На Steam-версии W:A был баг, при котором пользовательские озвучки червей не были слышны в игре, за исключением озвучки первой команды в списке. Для всех остальных команд воспроизводились голоса червей от стандартной озвучки (по месту проживания пользователя).
* {{DC}} Флажки в меню иногда отображались со сплошным серым фоном, если была проставлена галочка при заходе в зону меню, где находится флажок. Поведение этого бага было случайным, и он мог происходить время от времени на некоторых системах (но скорее всего, не на большинстве систем).
* {{DC}} Секции групп меню некорректно восстанавливались после сворачивания; их заголовки становились белого цвета, вместо первоначального серого.
* {{DC}} Кнопка для открытия выпадающего списка временно исчезала при их разворачивании в первый раз с захода в соответствующую диалоговую зону.
* {{DC}} При выходе из Оффлайнового мультиплеера или Сетевого экрана в главное мню, иногда на мгновение вспыхивал кадр с некорректной палитрой цветов. Этот баг был незаметен с v3.5 Beta 1, но стал значимым в v3.6.31.2b, так как происходил постоянно.
<font color="gray">
* {{DC}} When entering a Next Round screen a second time during a Multiplayer/Online match (i.e. on the second round or beyond) the auxiliary palette of the map thumbnail would be lost. For .BIT and .LEV maps this resulted in a loss of anti-aliasing; for .PNG and intrinsic maps it resulted in a peppering of black pixels over the thumbnail. (Bug introduced in v3.6.19.7)
* {{DC}} In certain conditions a GDI-style 3D frame could be seen around the W:A logo in the Main Menu. Usually it was only seen upon quitting — for a moment, the border would be visible against an otherwise completely black background when the screen was cleared. However, on some systems the border would be visible at the same time as the logo, clashing with its intended look.
* {{DC}} Bug introduced in v3.6.19.7: In the front end, the help text for a default-disabled button would always be shown immediately upon entering a screen. For example, "You're all set let's go!" would be flashed (or shown) upon entering the Multiplayer or Host screens.
* {{DC}} Activated utilities displayed in the lower-right corner of the screen (in-game) were rendered with black pixels in all four corners. The corners are now transparent.
* {{DC}} During playback of a game in which "god mode" was enabled, it was impossible to hide the display of crate contents and precise mine fuses, even at the minimum info detail level. (Bug introduced in v3.6.23.0)
* {{DC}} When W:A started the Intro after 60 seconds of inactivity in the front end ("attract mode"), the menu loop ambient sound continued to play.
* {{DC,CS}} Text and translations
* {{DC}} In the Weapon Editor's "cheat" mode, the utilities now have proper help text.
* {{CS}} The Russian translation has been improved, corrected, and extended.
* {{DC}} The description text for the Grenade stage of Basic Training gave incorrect information in its Dutch, German, Portuguese, and Spanish translations.
* {{DC}} The Spanish translation has been corrected, improved, and extended by OutofOrder.
* {{DC}} Some English and Portuguese text has been corrected.
* {{DC}} The Dutch, French, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Swedish translations had some Mission briefings that didn't fit on-screen. Furthermore, briefings that reached the bottom of the text box had their bottom line of text cropped below the baseline.
* {{DC}} The Dutch, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, and Swedish translations of the "Spectral Recovery" mission briefing had extra text in them (compared to the English text) which may have made it easier to complete the mission successfully in fewer attempts.
* {{DC}} The French translation for "Battle Axe" has been improved.
* {{DC}} Displayed and outputted text
* {{DC}} After clicking the "cheat" button in the Weapon Editor to flip into cheat/utility editing mode, and then clicking it again to flip back, the help text for the top five weapons on the left column were incorrect.
* {{DC}} Bug introduced in v3.6.31.0: In the Map Editor, the help text for the terrain texture button vanished when the button was clicked.
* {{DC}} When changing the current language in the Options screen, the name of a currently selected intrinsic scheme (e.g. "[ Intermediate ]") was not updated.
* {{DC}} The /url command in the front end network screens did not include custom ports in its output.
* {{DC}} Bug introduced in v3.6.30.0: When an unrecognised command with a parameter was entered in a host/join/LAN screen, the error message was incorrect, e.g., the command "/win gold medal" would result in the error message "Unrecognized command /wingold medal".
* {{DC}} Bug introduced in v3.6.30.0: When copying a string from the chat history in the front end, the Unicode copy of the clipboard string was not being null-terminated. All Windows versions seem to deal with this gracefully, but in Wine, this would sometimes result in some stray characters being inserted at the end.
* {{DC,CS}} Error messages, prompts, and confirmation
* {{CS}} Team file save failures are no longer silently ignored.
* {{CS}} W:A will now display warnings on start-up when files in the current directory are not writable, or if W:A was run "As Administrator".
* {{DC}} Upon starting a Mission / Training exercise, if W:A encountered an out-of-range setting while parsing the .WAM file, it showed an error message dialog — but went ahead and started a game anyway, with an incompletely initialised mission scheme.
* {{DC}} In the Advanced Options screen, the Escape key would instantly exit the screen without saving changes. Now, it prompts the user whether to exit without saving changes.
* {{CS}} In the Advanced Options screen, W:A will now notify the user when changing options that only take effect on the next start of the game.
* {{DC}} The Delete button in the Map Editor did not ask the user for confirmation.
* {{DC}} After loading a PNG with more than 112 colors in the Map Editor, exiting it and clicking OK in the dialog box that prompts the user to dither to 112 colors, there was no immediate visual response to the OK button being clicked. Now, the mouse cursor changes to the Busy state while the dithering is being done.
* {{CS}} Graphics and audio error messages have been greatly improved, and now communicate detailed localised error messages, API function names, error codes and their descriptions.
* {{CS}} Should the graphics system fail to initialise, W:A will now offer to reset the graphics settings to the default safe values.
* {{CS}} When attempting to repair a replay containing a map error that the "Repair" feature is not currently designed to fix, W:A would display a blank message box instead of an error message.
* {{CS}} Text would appear cropped if W:A attempted to display a message box in the front end containing more text than would fit. Message boxes are now sized to fit the entire text.
* {{DC}} Numerical ranges
* {{DC}} Bug introduced in v3.6.28.0: In the Map Editor, if Placement Holes were adjusted above 255 (up to a maximum of 300), the number would be truncated (it would have 256 subtracted from it), e.g., a count of 300 would become 44. The maximum is now truly 300, but to use a Placement Hole count higher than 255, all players must be using v3.7.0.0 or later.
* {{DC}} Bug introduced in v3.6.28.0: In the Scheme Options editor, the health crate energy was shown incorrectly upon entering the editor if the value was above 127.
* {{DC}} The maximum air retreat time supported by the game logic is 255 seconds, but the Scheme Options editor only allowed it to be adjusted up to a maximum of 127 seconds. Any value higher than 127 (adjusted using an external scheme editor) was shown incorrectly. (Note that the game logic really does only support a maximum of 127 seconds for land retreat time, as opposed to air retreat time.)
* {{DC,CS}} Crashes and memory corruption
* {{CS}} It was possible in theory for W:A to enter an infinite restart loop, where each iteration would start a new process instance and immediately exit. This could happen if W:A reliably crashed before it processed its command-line parameters.
* {{DC}} When an error was encountered creating the output file for /getmap or /getscheme, or the output folder for /getvideo, W:A would crash instead of displaying a proper error message.
* {{DC}} Bug introduced in v3.6.30.0: If a host selected a map file larger than 5120 bytes, and then switched to a map file 5120 bytes or smaller while the earlier map was in the process of being sent, the host would get an "Out of Memory" error leading to subsequent problems.
* {{DC}} Certain out-of-range numeric values, or too many events, in a .WAM (mission/training) file could cause W:A to crash when loading the corresponding Mission/Training round.
* {{DC}} Wine would sometimes crash when audio streams were played in the front end. These streams (in Data\Streams on the CD-ROM or under the main W:A folder in the Steam version) include the intro title music, the Mission/Training win/lose sounds, and the music played at the end of a multiplayer match. The front end now uses the same API as is used for in-game ambient music (also in Data\Streams).
* {{DC}} Minimizing during the Intro resulted in a crash upon restoring.
* {{CS}} If W:A attempted to set an in-game resolution wider than 2048 or higher than 1536 and failed, W:A would get stuck at a black screen directly after the loading pie. The lock-up was due to W:A continuously failing to move the mouse cursor position to the "center" of the expected resolution, which was outside the screen area of the actual fallback resolution (1024×768).
* {{CS}} A potential security vulnerability has been fixed.
* {{DC}} Fixes affecting game logic
* {{DC}} It was possible for a Double Time crate to fall in a scheme with infinite turn time. This was inconsistent with other aspects of the game logic; for example, crates never fall containing contents that are already at infinite ammo in the scheme.
* {{DC}} A bug in the Spanish translation of "N Shots Remaining" caused an exclamation mark to be inserted in front of the number ("Quedan !N Disparos") and caused the message to be queued up, instead of flushing the game comment / morse code text queue as it is supposed to (like weapon selection messages also do). Under contrived conditions, it was possible for this to lead to a desynchronization, if there was a mixture of players, one or more of whom had Spanish selected as their language, and one or more with a different language selected. Besides being fixed, the bug is also now emulated in online games and replays thereof.
* {{DC}} With BattyRope enabled, if a worm was still on the Bungee upon winning the game, its bungee would be detached (to do the victory dance); as a result it would fall down and possibly lose the game instead of winning.
* {{DC}} With BattyRope not enabled, if a worm with a perfectly vertical rope attached was touching the ground, and pending damage on another worm was ready to be displayed, the rope would be detached. (This usually happened with a Ninja Rope that had just been fired straight up.)
* {{DC}} Bugs regarding Blow Torch / Teleport and explosions / impacts
* {{DC}} A worm using the Teleport (at the stage in which the wavy-light teleportation animation is showing) would have its teleport interrupted, if and when an explosion happened anywhere on the map (out of range of damaging the teleporting worm); if the worm was in the air at the time, it would also lose control. (Note, in WWP, this bug also happens for a worm using the Blow Torch.)
* {{DC}} A worm using the Blow Torch, when hit by an explosion, would not be pushed by the impact. (Note, in WWP this was fixed, at the cost of introducing the above Blow Torch bug.)
* {{DC}} A worm using the Blow Torch, or using the Teleport as described above, when hit by a Dragon Ball, Longbow arrow, or flamelet, would not be pushed by the impact. (For this to happen with a Dragon Ball or Longbow arrow, "Weapons Don't End Turn" would have had to be enabled. With a flamelet, it would be rather subtle, as the first flamelet to hit would cancel the Blow Torch or Teleport, and subsequent flamelets would act normally.)
* {{DC}} Bugs enabled by very high or unlimited maximum speed
* {{DC}} It was possible, despite the wraparound fixes in v3.6.28.0, for a worm to fly off the right edge of the map at very high speed and wrap around to the left edge, if the worm was still in control at the moment it flew off the edge. A speed sufficient for this was only possible if "no maximum speed" was enabled (e.g. by TestStuff).
* {{DC}} If the maximum projectile speed was set to a value >=200 pixels per frame, or unlimited (like TestStuff3), it was possible for an object to fall so fast that it skipped past the water and disappeared without making a Splash sound effect.
* {{DC}} If the above-described glitch happened to a Worm, it would disappear without losing its energy, causing the game to prematurely end the round with an "Avoid Crash" when the game tried to give the current turn to that worm. (Note: The description of this particular "Avoid Crash" has now been edited to be more universally correct and informative.)
* {{DC}} If the maximum projectile speed was set to a value >663 pixels per frame, or unlimited (like TestStuff3), it was possible for a Worm to fall fast enough that its Fall Damage would be improperly calculated, taking a meaningless value in the range 0 to 1820.
* {{DC}} Health bar bugs
* {{DC}} If a team surrendered before collecting a health crate, and the addition of the health to the team's total energy made it at least 25% higher than the best total energy of any team so far in the current round, then the health bar would overflow beyond its maximum length and would be drawn in a glitchy way. In extreme cases, the health bar could even stretch beyond the right edge of the screen.
* {{DC}} If a team was damaged and then collected a health crate while the damage was still pending (i.e. before the damage was visually subtracted), and the addition of the health crate to the team's total energy (with the pending damage already subtracted) made it at least 25% higher than the best total energy of any team so far in the current round, then the health bar would overflow beyond its maximum length and would be drawn in a glitchy way. (This could at most make the health bar slightly less than double what its maximum width is supposed to be.)
=== Изменения ===
* {{DC}} Resolutions are now denoted in all places in the front end as <width>×<height> instead of <width>x<height>.
* {{DC}} The message sent from the host in the Network Host/Join and Next Round screens, informing the players that the game cannot start due to unsupported features (map, scheme, and/or number of worms) by a subset of players who joined, has been streamlined.
=== Нововведения ===
* {{CS,DC}} Advanced Options screen
* {{CS}} An option has been added to load WormKit modules on startup.
** By convention, WormKit modules are DLL files whose name begins with "wk".
** The command-line parameters /wk and /nowk also control this behavior, and take precedence over the Advanced Options setting.
** The command-line parameter /wkargs causes W:A to ignore following command-line parameters. This can be used by WormKit module authors to allow passing parameters to WormKit modules.
* {{CS,DC}} An option has been added to use 8-bit color DirectDraw rendering. As in v3.6.31.2b, rendering is performed in software. As a result, the 8-bit color mode is more similar in performance to v3.6.31.2b than it is to earlier versions (which used 8-bit color with hardware rendering).
* {{CS}} An option has been added to use Direct3D rendering. Direct3D may bypass compatibility and performance issues present with DirectDraw, and enable interoperability with software such as the Steam overlay.
** It is possible to select using either Direct3D 7 and 9 APIs. The respective DirectX runtime needs to be installed.
** Selecting Direct3D 9 (shader palette) causes the palette transformation to be performed on the GPU (using a pixel shader). This lowers CPU usage, but requires Pixel Shader 2.0 support on the GPU.
* {{CS}} An option has been added to control waiting for vertical sync. Lowers latency when disabled, but may cause screen tearing.
* {{CS,DC}} An option has been added to enable additional synchronization between screen refresh and vertical sync ("Assisted vertical sync"). Enabling the option should lower latency.
* {{DC}} An option has been added to enable use of hardware mouse cursors. Currently this option only affects the front end. When enabled it eliminates all perceptible lag between moving the mouse and seeing the cursor move on screen, except for the brush cursor in the Map Editor which is still software-rendered. Enabling hardware cursors results in a much more dramatic difference in this version than it would have before v3.6.31.2b, as software rendering has resulted in higher lag in the front end.
* {{CS}} An option has been added to configure the compatibility flags for Worms Armageddon in the Windows registry. The configured flags improve performance and resolve GUI issues under Windows 8. (Credit for discovering the compatibility flags goes to StepS)
* {{CS}} An option has been added to use a new CommunityServerList.htm file instead of ServerList.htm, which, upon connecting to WormNET, redirects to a third-party server list linking to community WormNET servers.
** The game will automatically offer to toggle the option in case of a WormNET connection error.
* {{DC}} Drop-down list box (and combo box) behavior
* {{DC}} When clicking outside of a list box, the mouse click used to be discarded; it now behaves like a normal click on an outside control.
* {{DC}} When right-clicking outside of a list box, the mouse click used to be completely ignored (it wouldn't even close the list box); it now closes the list box and behaves like a normal right-click on an outside control.
* {{DC}} Mousing over controls outside of an open list box now highlights them and shows their help text, the same as if the list box were not open.
* {{DC}} The button that opens and closes a list box now behaves more gracefully.
* {{DC}} If a list box is currently open, the ESC key will now close it instead of exiting the current dialog or screen. (Since v3.6.30.0, this behavior applied to the Multiplayer screen's Scheme combo box and the Map Editor's Map combo box, but no others; now it applies to all combo boxes and drop-down list boxes.)
* {{DC}} Scrollbar buttons now repeat-scroll only while the mouse is inside the button (while the mouse button is held down).
* {{DC}} It is now possible to start an "online" offline game from the Network Host screen without using the light bulb button, if there are no remote players.
* {{CS,DC}} Translatable strings have been moved into external text files.
** The language files are installed to the DATA\User\Languages\n.n.n.n directory, where n.n.n.n is the Worms Armageddon version.
** User-created language files can be placed in the User\Languages\n.n.n.n directory. This is the recommended location to place new or modified language files, as files in this location will take priority over those under DATA\User\Languages, and are not under risk of being overwritten by a reinstall.
** The command-line parameter /langdir can be used to specify one or more directory paths which override the locations where W:A will look for language files. The directories are searched in reverse order (the last specified location will be the first one searched).
** The language file format and syntax is as follows:
** Each file must use UTF-8 character encoding, and start with the corresponding Byte Order Mark. (The Byte Order Mark is usually invisible in text editors with Unicode support.)
** The first line is reserved to indicate the language name (in the corresponding language).
** The rest of the file is a list of strings. A string is defined by its identifier (composed from uppercase English letters, digits and underscores), followed by one or more string literals (which are joined together when the file is loaded).
** A string literal is a sequence of characters surrounded by double-quotes, and may contain the following escape sequences:
** \" - literal "
** \\ - literal \
** \n - line break
** \m - 1.5× height line break (where applicable)
** \1 through \9 - placeholder for the first through ninth parameter
** \, - substring separator (for randomly-selected substring container strings)
** \{<XX, and \{>=XX, - begin conditional block. All characters until \} will be included or omitted, depending on whether the current game version is respectively smaller-than, or greater-than-or-equal the indicated version number (in hexadecimal).
** \} - end conditional block
** A comment begins with the # character and continues until the end of the line. Comments are ignored by the game.
** The set of visible characters is currently limited to Worms Armageddon's custom character table ( http://worms2d.info/WA_character_table ). This limitation may be removed in the future.
** Translation improvements and new translations can be submitted for inclusion via the Team17 forum (see section 7.0).
* {{DC}} Changes affecting game logic
* {{DC}} When a Double Time crate is collected during retreat, the remaining retreat time is now doubled.
* {{DC}} When a Double Time crate is collected by an animal, the animal's remaining fuse time is now doubled.</font>

Revision as of 18:09, 19 December 2012