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Dender had his first contact with Worms Armageddon when he was 13, it was the [[Worms_Armageddon|W:A]] Demo.
Soon he found out that roping was one of his many talents, but due to lack of internets he soon got bored of it.
In 2005 he decided to download [[Worms_World_Party|WWP]] illegaly, and after like five tries found a version that actually works with [[WormNET2|wormnet]]! Starting again from scratch he joined a few normal games, got bored and stepped up to play some [[Shopper|shoppa]], he got owned left and right, but he learned fast and yet again stepped up to own the world of [[Wall-X-wall_shopper|wxw]].
By then ppl have noticed his outrageous roping talent and he soon joined [[DX]]. One month later he dissapeared, just to reapear in [[Worms_Armageddon|W:A]] two months later.
BpM was his name, and he only came back to kick some more ass.
Spending his days smoking delicious weed and his nights playing [[Worms_Armageddon|W:A]]  he got more and more deticated getting better. He slept his way through many clans and after seven months of play he learned to [[FR]]. God ppl got annoyed by his scrolling attempts, but again he pushed it through and only weeks later we was able to scroll.
By this time he was known to spam [[Clan League 2000|CL2K]], and he was damn good at it. This didn't help him to find new fans but on the other hand made him popular in this [[Community|community]].
Soon his fame grew so fast and enormous that he had to change his name, dEndER was born.
Yet again spending his nights smoking weed and playing CL2k [[Worms_Armageddon|W:A]] his outrageous talents found their limits. And he stopped improving his skills with the speed he used to. He was known to lose at the singles league of [[Clan League 2000|CL2K]] and later [[FB]], then at [[Armageddon_League|AL]] and now at [[XTC_League|XTC]]. Let alone he wasn't much of a help winning clanners, despite his talents to insult the opposing team, with actions and words.
He stopped smoking weed and eventually got sophisticated (not much, but a few people notice the difference), even more he lost his interest in improving his rope and joined random clans such as [[ruL]]. By this time he learned to [[Rope_race|RR]], this gave him the kick to improve a bit again, and his rope changed yet again. It was a little more sophisitcated now, timid and he started to get real good scrolls.
Soon after that he lost his focus as he stopped improving forever, half baked [[Rope_race|RR]] skills, little over above warming and average roper skills is where he stands even now. It was still a long way and I enjoyed describing denders story. May he find new hights.
Update: Dender decided to fuck the new hights and plays werms again. But atleast this lazy fuck works now!
/Edit by Dender: I quit my job by email, lulz ensured.

Latest revision as of 19:34, 20 July 2011