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(Up to Soundbanks)
Filename Transcription Notes
Amazing Incredible.
Boring Boring. *sigh*
Brilliant Brilliant.
Bummer Damn.
Bungee Wahhhh!
ByeBye So long.
Collect *click* Reinforcements.
ComeOnThen Get a move on.
Coward Coward!
DragonPunch Take that.
Drop Reinforcements have arrived.
Excellent Excellent.
Fatality Haha!
Fire Catch this.
FireBall Attack!
FirstBlood Blood!
Flawless A flawless victory.
GoAway Get.. get out of here!
Grenade Grenade!
Hello Hello.
Hurry Come on!
IllGetYou I'll get you.
Incoming Incoming!
Jump1 hup
Jump2 hoop
JustYouWait Just you wait.
Kamikaze Kamikaze!
Laugh Ha ha ha.
LeaveMeAlone Stop it!
Missed Missed.
Nooo Nooo...
OhDear Oh, dear.
OiNutter Oi, nutter!
Ooff1 oof
Ooff2 ooh!
Ooff3 oo
Ow1 ow
Ow2 yo!
Ow3 ow
Oops Oops!
Orders Come in, Big Bird.
Ouch Ow!
Perfect Perfect.
Revenge Revenge.
RunAway Oh, no.
Stupid Hey, fool!
TakeCover Help!
Traitor Scum!
Uh-oh Uh oh.
Victory Hurray!
WatchThis Watch this.
WhatThe What the...
YesSir Sir!
YoullRegretThat You'll regret that.


Voiced as a caricaturization of Sean Connery's James Bond (agent 007), with a Scottish accent. Includes Sean Connery's pronunciation of "s" as "sh", even though in the earliest Bond movies, he was still pronouncing that phoneme as "s".

See also

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