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(Up to WormKit)
Developer: Plutonic
Latest version: 9 August 2020
Supported games: W:A
Supported W:A version: / / [Both] / 3.8.0 [Both] / 3.8.1 (unofficial) [Both]
Language: C++
License: Restricted-source
Download: Official version, Unofficial 3.8.1 version
Animation: comparison of three levels of destructibility

wkIndiMask is a module for WormKit that allows maps to be set up that have both destructible and indestructible parts to them.

There are 3 'types' of terrain:

this is normal terrain
cannot be destroyed by any weapon
can only removed when an explosion occurs that will remove the background soil texture.
E.g: The center part of Dynamite or Holy Hand Grenade

Image palette required colour

All IndiMask info is stored in the PNG palette for the map. In order to set up a map for wkIndiMask, you must first ensure the image palette has a particular entry. The module will search for this entry when a game starts and activate or deactivate based on its presence. Because WA throws away unused map palette entries, it will have to exist somewhere on the map. 1 pixel under the water is fine.

This colour is R:240, G:024, B:204. ( #F018CC)

Setting the proper mask

IndiMask settings for a map can be edited using MapGEN version 0.4.0 or later, or if you need more control, any paint package using the info below:

After ensuring that the required colour is present, you can pick which colours are destructible or not using the least significant bit in the Red component of the colour. So essentially:

If the Red component is even, you can destroy it; if it is odd, you can't.

Further to that, the Green component is similarly used to decide if the colour is Tough.

A colour that has odd for both Red and Green will be set as Tough.

Quick reference table:
Effect When red is: and green is:
Terrain will be Tough Odd Odd
Terrain will be Indestructible Odd Even
No Effect / Normal Terrain Even Odd
No Effect / Normal Terrain Even Even
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