BIT Monkey

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(Up to Software)
icon BIT Monkey
BIT Monkey screenshot
Developer: Annelid
Latest version: v1.05 / 28 February, 2003
Supported games: W:A, WWP
Language: Visual Basic
License: Closed source
Download: BITMonkey.exe (180 kb)

The BIT Monkey is a program that operates on monochrome (.bit) W:A/WWP maps. It features a map viewer, as well as the ability to encode and decode monochrome maps from/to monochrome Windows bitmaps (.bmp) or Targa images (.tga). The BIT Monkey was written by Annelid in 2003. The BIT Monkey was essentially a sequel to Annelid's BitUnencoder.

Since WA now supports colour maps online, .bit maps have become somewhat obsolete, rendering this program mostly useless for WA. Whether it is still used for WWP is not known.