The Architect

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Revision as of 11:08, 13 September 2007 by Bloopy (Talk | contribs) (Latest version)

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(Up to Software)
The Architect icon.png The Architect
Screenshot of The Architect
Developer: Jehuty
Latest version: 2.5.3 / 20 July, 2007
Supported games: W:A, WWP
Language: Visual Basic
Licence: Closed source
Website: Homebrew Worm
Download: (2.6MB)

The Architect is a program which allows you to create colour maps for Worms by placing tiles selected from tile sets. The Architect saves maps as 1920x696 .bmp images, which can then be imported into W:A or WWP. The Architect allows tiles to be manipulated in a number of ways, including flipping and rotating, combining tiles by pasting on top of one another, and the application of various filters.

Tile Sets

Users can make their own tile sets to be used with The Architect. In version 1.7.5, a tile set was a 606x606 .bmp image consisting of 144 tiles (48x48 pixels each), a 4px outer border, and 2px gaps between tiles. Version 2.5.0 introduced the ability to use tiles of any size.