Worms Knowledge Base:General disclaimer

From Worms Knowledge Base

Revision as of 22:42, 5 June 2007 by SupSuper (Talk | contribs)

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The Worms Knowledge Base is not in any way related, supported or endorsed by Team17, it is purely a fan-made project. Any similiarities with real-life animals, weapons, utilities or househould items is purely a coincidence. This project does not condone real senseless violence and should not be in any way used as an excuse for performing real senseless violence. Any possible harm that may come to you, your computer, your family, your pets, your stalkers or some random planet in Orion after visiting this website is purely coincidental and is in absolutely no way related to this website and its contents, and any responsibility we may or may not have is completely removed as soon as you visit this website due to obligatory legal reasons and otherwise. No real animals were harmed during the writing of this disclaimer.