Worms Unlimited

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Revision as of 11:20, 14 May 2007 by Melon (Talk | contribs) (A lot of the Worms Unlimited pages aren't ParentArticle'd. I'll go through them and add it.)

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What is Worms Unlimited?

This site exists to catalogue every idea and suggestion conceived by the Worms community(divided in the aspect listed below) that could be implemented into a new 2D Worms game, Worms Unlimited. This game would also be able to run in all operative system: Windows, Linux, Macintosh. In short, Worms Unlimited contains virtually everything, ever, that anyone would ever want in a 2D Worms game.

Sadly this game may never see reality, as Team17 has moved into 3D games,which lack the game-play that can only be achieved in two dimensions. Although these 3D games have been succesful, they have not been liked as their 2D predecessors.

Even if 2D Worms never makes a comeback, this site will continue to exist, and will continue to update as long as the ideas keep coming in.


The weapons section lists approximately 50 weapon ideas, all with detailed descriptions, including how the weapons might affect gameplay if they existed. This section also contains comments concerning accepting/rejecting weapons ideas, and the problems of extra weapons in Worms.


The editors section contains a considerable number of ideas for how the weapons, game, and map editors can be improved and expanded upon, providing Worms with an extent of customisability that really is difficult to imagine. Also contains an article on the problem of "over-customisation".


A page listing ideas that would make the Worms interface, both in-game and out, far more customisable and easier to use. The interface for the editors however are covered in the Editors section, and the WormNET interface is covered in the WormNET section (below).


This section concerns WormNET and how it would have to be improved to accomodate all the ideas on this site.

Real Time Worms

This section contains an in-depth analysis on the concept of Real Time Worms; whether it would work and what changes would have to be made to make it work. This section also addresses a number of concerns that people have over Real Time Worms, and makes references to a number of shareware games that follow the same principle (i.e. Liero).