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Back in 90's, he played lots of W2 and W:A with buddies. Only hotseat, only Intermediate/Normal. Never knew this game can offer more.. Haha, what a fool.

Gladly, it changed in 2012. Another Croat and a longtime friend (Vicenzo) got to an idea of playing long forgotten Worms Armageddon. It didn't take long to get hooked again. Eventually they discovered GameRanger and new era has begun! Online Worms!!! Played it on GameRanger for more than 6 months, before someone told them they're idiots and that there's a thing called WormNET. Yeah, that's true. Took them 13 years to figure out there's an online scene going on and 6 more months to locate #anythinggoes. In the start of 2014. they thought no one can touch them. Their shopper skills were godlike. That dominance would go on forever, but sadly, Sensei discovered TUS. After co-making "HCP" clan with Vicenzo and throwing few league matches, their little bubble bursted. They figured out that there's a much higher power out there, in the abyss of WormNET.

6 years after, he's still around. Making maps, schemes. Hosting challenges, cups, tournaments. In late 2017., figured out it would be nice to spread a msg about greatness of this game so started streaming W:A on Twitch. Made Discord Server as well. Populated by oldschoolers and new generation of wormers. Enjoying funners, small talking and voice chatting. W:A already stood the test of time, he have big hopes that them as community will too.

So long, mothertruckers!