Map Thief

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Revision as of 11:17, 22 July 2006 by Run! (Talk | contribs)

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Map Theif icon  Map Theif
Map Theif screenshot
Developer: Annelid
Latest version: v2.0 / 21 February, 2006
Supported games: W:A, WWP
Language: Visual Basic
Licence: Closed source
Website: none?
Download: (10 kb)

Map Theif [sic] is a map stealer. It allows users to save the map they played on last to a separate map file. The first public version was written by Annelid in 2002 and released on 2002-08-14.

Map Theif was made almost obsolete for Worms Armageddon players on 2004-02-20 by version of Worms Armageddon's Beta update, written by Deadcode. This update allowed players to right-click on a Replay file in Explorer and click "Extract Map" to extract the map file used in the replay. Of course, if the user left the game before it started (but after he received the map), no replay was saved, thus the Map Theif would be the only way to save the map in this case.

On 2006-02-21, Annelid released a completely rewritten version of Map Theif, called Map Theif 2, due to popular demand by Worms World Party players, because the previous version was quite buggy.

How it works

WA and WWP store their most-recently-used maps in a file called current.thm, which is located in the %installpath%\Data directory. Map Theif reads current.thm, copies everything from 0x04 onward into a new file, and gives it a file extension based on what the image format seems to be.