Mission walkthrough (Worms Armageddon)

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Training Exercises

Before going through any missions have a good look at controls and weapons.

Below are all the controls for Worms Armageddon. Some of them (such as the fuse timer) only work for specific weapons.

Left / Right Moves the worm to the left/right. On the rope :: Swings the worm to the left/right. On the parachute :: Slows down/speeds up the direction of travel. On the bungee :: Swings the worm to the left/right. On the jetpack :: Flies to the left/right. Using the girder :: Rotates the girder. Full 360 degrees to double/ halve the length.

Up / Down Aims the weapon up or down. On the rope :: Reels in/lets out more rope. On the parachute :: Slows down/speeds up decent. On the bungee :: Cycling up/down keys in tandem with the worm movement, will make the worm bounce more. On the jetpack :: Flies up.

Spacebar Fire selected weapon. On the rope :: Controls the release and repeat firing of the rope. On the parachute/bungee/jetpack :: Controls the release. In replay :: Fast forwards the replay.

Enter Jump forwards. + x2 :: Jump backwards. On the rope/parachute/bungee/jetpack :: Fire selected weapon.

Backspace Jump upwards. + x2 :: Backflip. + x2 then Enter :: Low Backflip.

Mouse Left-click With point-and-click weapon :: Fire selected weapon.

Mouse Right-click Expand/Retract the weapons console.

Mouse Movement Scroll around the terrain.

Escape Open/Close quit panel.

R immediately after the shot :: Force action replay.

S In replay :: Force slow motion.

Tab With Worm Select enabled :: Rotate through Worms in team.

Insert Rotate through graphics detail level.

Delete Rotate through Worm name detail level. + Shift :: Force Energy Bars display

Home Center on the current worm in play.

Page Up/Down On network games :: Open/Close chat window.

F1 - F12 Weapon speed-keys. + x1-5 :: cycle through all weapons in the group.

1 - 5 cetain weapons :: Set weapon fuse time. with mad cows :: Set number of mad cows for realease.

+ / - Set high or low bounce.

Below are all the commands you can use in the chatbox, during network games. Remember, the Page Up/Down keys move the chat box up/down. Note, you will not be able to control your worm while the chat box is down.

Typing '/me' Green text :: performs an action. '/me says hello' produces 'your_nickname says hello'.

Typing '/anon' Yellow text :: anonomous message. '/anon Who said this?' produces '[Who said this?]'.

Typing '/msg' Blue text(sent) / White text(recieve) :: private message. '/msg player_nickname psst! this is a secret message' sends 'psst! this is a secret message' to player_nickname, other players just see '*Whisper*'

F1 - F12 Private message speed-keys. + Ctrl :: Ignore/Unignore player.

(Function key numbers for individual players are next to their names to the right of the chat box.)

Source for the above controls team17.com


i)Weapon Usage (Techniques)

Bazooka (F1)            Usage: Aim with up and down keys, and fire by holding down the 
                               spacebar. The longer you hold it down the greater the velocity 
                               the round is shot out of the Bazooka.
                        Damage: 50 max.
                        * Bazooka rounds are effected by wind, good use of this is vital.
                        * If fired along water, Bazooka rounds can skim across the water.
Homing Missile (F1)     Usage: Set target with left click on mouse, and fire it the same way
                               as a Bazooka.
                        Damage: 50 max.
                        * Make sure the missile has a fairly clean path.
                        * Homing Missiles are aquatic, but make sure they don't go too far
Mortar (F1)             Usage: Aim like a Bazooka but a single tap of the spacebar fires it.
                        Damage: Explosion-20 max. Clusters-30 max.
                        * Best used by firing at a wall above lots of worms so the shrapnel
                          lands on them.
Homing Pigeon (F1)      Usage: Target with left click, then fire it the same as a Mortar.
                        Damage: 75 max.
                        * More Intelligent version of the Homing Missile. Its path doesn't
                          have to be that clear.
Sheep Launcher (F1)     Usage: Aim like a Bazooka then one press of the spacebar launches it.
                               Press the spacebar again to detonate it.
                        Damage: 75 max.
                        * Fairly erratic, just fire and hope for the best.
                        * Try to remember how hard the sheep is launched out of the Bazooka.
Grenade (F2)            Usage: Set then bounce with -(low) +(high) and the fuse with 1-5, then
                               throw it the same way you fire a Bazooka (not wind effected).
                        Damage: 50 max.
                        * Make good use of the bounce and time settings on them.
Cluster Bomb (F2)       Usage: Same as Grenade.
                        Damage: Explosion-20 max. Clusters-30 max.
                        * After the patch, the "fire in the hole" trick doesn't work as well.
Banana Bomb (F2)        Usage: Same as Grenade.
                        Damage: Initial Explosion-75 max. Each Banana-75 max.
                        * If fired in a cavern with a bunch of worms, it can slaughter the lot.
                        * Remember it bounces a lot.
Battle Axe (F2)         Usage: Stand near a worm and press the Spacebar.
                        Damage: Halves energy of any worm in contact with the blade.
                        * Usually other weapons can inflict more damage than it. But since it 
                          halves the other worms energy, if it has 200 HP you can inflict 100
                          damage (do the math).
Shotgun (F3)            Usage: Aim with the up and down keys and fire by taping the spacebar.
                        Damage: 25 max for each shot (2 shots)
                        * The best use of the shotgun is to knock worms onto mines.
                        * You get two shots, so try setting up chain reactions like shooting
                          Oil Drums to make them explode, or mines into worms.
Handgun (F3)            Usage: Same as the Shotgun, but all bullets fire out from one tap of
                               the spacebar.
                        Damage: 5 max for each shot (6 shots)
                        * Can be effective in knocking worms off cliffs.
Uzi (F3)                Usage: Same as Uzi.
                        Damage: 50 max
                        * If you shoot a worm with an Uzi on a flat or sloping surface, the 
                          worm will make like tumbleweed and roll, taking other worms with it.
                        * Makes perfect size tunnels for throwing grenades and such through.
Minigun (F3)            Usage: Same as Uzi.
                        Damage: 75 max
                        * Can blast a bunch of worms off cliffs.
                        * If a worm is on a thin platform above you, stand directly under it 
                          and fire up. The worm will fly like a bird and drop like a stone, so
                          a lot of fall damage will register.
Long Bow (F3)           Usage: Same as Shotgun.
                        Damage: 15 always for each shot (2 shots)
                        * You can use this to knock worms off ledges or into mines.
                        * Aim it so worms bump into other worms and so they all end up falling
                          in the drink. On WormNET, I once killed all my opponents worms in
                          one turn.
                        * Arrows make good platforms.
Fire Punch (F4)         Usage: Press spacebar to activate a vertical punch.
                        Damage: 30 always
                        * Effective in knocking worms of cliffs.
                        * It also cuts vertically through terrain.
                        * If a worm is on a thin platform relatively not that high up. You can
                          jump and then activate it to get higher than usual to punch the
                          other worm.
                        * If you accidentally fall of a cliff, press F4 then Spacebar
                          to save your skin. You won't roll or receive any fall damage.
Dragon Ball (F4)        Usage: Press spacebar to shot a projectile in the direction you're 
                               facing (left or right).
                        Damage: 30 always
                        * Can knock worms off at a lower trajectory than a Fire Punch.
                        * Can knock mines further than a Shotgun.
Kamikaze (F4)           Usage: Select 1 out of 6 directions then press spacebar
                        Damage: Final Explosion-50 max  Hit by Suicidal Worm-30 always
                        * Careful use of this can be vital, only use if you worms energy is
                          34 at the most.
                        * Can be used with the laser sight.
Suicide Bomber (F4)      Usage: Press Spacebar.
                        Damage: Initial Explosion-30 max Poison Rate-5 a turn.
                        * Can't see the point, I would use something else like a Sheep or
                          Dynamite really close and it will cause more damage (see Sheep).
                        * Best used if you have a fairly weak worm early on that's going to 
                          be picked off soon. The bombing inflicts minimal damage but sickens
                          any worms close and above it (take wind into account).
Prod (F4)               Usage: Face worm and stand next to it, then press spacebar.
                        Damage: None
                        * Good for pushing a well hated worm to its doom.
Dynamite (F5)           Usage: Press Spacebar ( Press Enter if on Rope etc.)
                        Damage: 75 max.
                        * You can drop this from a rope or from a jetpack.
                        * Try to use it to fling worms in the air and off cliffs. To do this
                          place the dynamite on the opposite side of the worm the cliff is.
Mine (F5)               Usage: Same as Dynamite
                        Damage: 50 max.
                        * Use it on frozen worms, but Petrol Bombs are more effective.
                        * Use them to guard tunnels. But make your tunnels zig-zag to prevent
                          others hitting the mine down your tunnel at you.
Sheep (F5)              Usage: First press of the spacebar lets it loose, second press of the
                               spacebar detonates it.
                        Damage: 75 max.
                        * These furry friends can collect crates.
                        * Watch out, I've seen them backfiring on the user.
                        * Instead of using a Suicide Bomber or Kamikaze, just move your worm
                          really close to the worms you want to kill, then press spacebar
                          twice really quick.
Super Sheep /           Usage: First press releases it, Second press of the spacebar makes it
Aqua Sheep (F5)                begin to fly, Third press makes it normal again. Press left and
                               right while in flight mode to steer.
                        Damage: 75 max.
                        * Be careful in collecting crates, you only have a minimal amount of
                          time to collect crates and attack a worm before it explodes.
                        * Steer and to blast worms into the water below.
Mole (F5)               Usage: First press of the spacebar sets him on his way, second press
                               begins him digging, and the third press detonates him.
                        Damage: 30 max.
                        * Remember the way it jumps up then into the ground and utilise it.
Air Strike (F6)         Usage: Press left or Right to set the direction the click on the target
                        Damage: 60 on average.
                        * Leave this until the end.
                        * The force of the bomblets can easily make a worm fly into the drink.
Napalm Strike (F6)      Usage: Same as Airstrike.
                        Damage: 60 on average
                        * Take wind into account.
                        * And also take height into account. If the land is higher up the
                          napalm is going to have less time to be effected by wind.
Blow Torch (F7)         Usage: Press spacebar to start diggin'
                        Damage: 15 each time it hits a worm.
                        * Pressing up and down during the torching will change the angle of the
                          torching. Curved or zig-zaged tunnels can be very helpful.
                       * Remember you can also cause damage with it.
Pneumatic Drill (F7)    Usage: Press spacebar to start drillin'
                        Damage: 15 each time it hits a worm.
                        * Drill down a bit before an Earthquake in Missions to prevent falling
                          off cliffs.
Girder (F7)             Usage: Press left or right to change the Girders angle, then move it
                               with the mouse to where you want to place it then press the
                        Damage: N/A
                        *Worm Bridges & Ramps
                        *Sheep Bridges & Ramps
                        *Grenade reflectors
                        *Gaol Cells
Baseball Bat (F7)       Usage: Set Angle with up and down, then press spacebar to batter up.
                        Damage: 30 always + fall damage
                        * Hit Worms off cliffs, or hit them into other worms near cliffs to
                          start a chain reaction.
Girder Starter Kit (F7) Usage: U have more Girders
                        Damage: N/A
                        * See Girder
Ninja Rope (F8)         Usage: Swing low, sweet chariot, comin' for to carry me home!
                               Aim for an object, then press the spacebar to launch the Ninja
                               Rope out. Once it has grappled onto something, use left and 
                               right to distribute your weight in that direction, and use down
                               to lengthen the rope, and up to shorten the rope. Another press
                               of the spacebar will disconnect you from the object, but another
                               press will send the rope out again. By using this, you can swing
                               like Donkey Kong.
                        Damage: None, with Rope Knocking disabled after the patch.
                        * Swing, let go & swing again (nuff said).
                        * Speeding Up- Press up a little bit before you disconnect from the
                                       rope, when you reattach you should swing faster.
                        * Wall Bounce- Bash your worm against a wall then disconnect the rope
                                       the second you bounce back, you should fling yourself
                                       pretty far.
                        * Flik Around- To get over a obstacle, keep swinging back and forth
                                       whacking your worm against the terrain. As soon as you
                                       start swinging out far enough (and you are almost
                                       vertical) extend the rope out really quickly and lean
                                       in the direction of the obstacle, you should flick
                                       yourself over it.
                        If you have still have trouble e-mail me for a Roper Training Pack
                        (Which basically just contains a lot of terrains to practice on)
Bungee Rope (F8)        Usage: Set, then fall off a cliff, don't jump.
                        Damage: Only if you don't use it right.
                        * Use the key pad to gain momentum or swing.
Parachute (F8)          Usage: Press spacebar when falling.
                        Damage: Only if you don't use it correctly?
                        * Press up to slow descent, press down to quicken descent.
Teleport (F8)           Usage: Point and Click.
                        Damage: Your worms arse might be on back to front.
                        * None, dah!
Super Banana Bomb (F9)  Usage: First throw it like a Grenade, then the next press of the
                               spacebar will disperse the bunch, the next press will detonate
                               all the bananas.
                        Damage: Initial Explosion-75 max. Each Banana-75 max.
                        * Throw it at a bunch of worms, then press the spacebar twice really
                          fast, it should blow them up real good.
Holy Hand Grenade (F9)  Usage: Same as Grenade.
                        Damage: 100 max.
                        * Just pray to God, Budda, Ala or Elvis.
                        * Remember it only blows when it's still.
Flamethrower (F9)       Usage: Same as Minigun.
                        Damage: 70 max.
                        * You can kind of lift the worms up and off cliffs if you do it right.
Petrol Bomb (F10)       Usage: Same as Grenade
                        Damage: 30 on average.
                        * Throw it at a Frozen Worm, the next turn it will fry good.
Skunk (F10)             Usage: One press of the spacebar will set him on his way the second
                               will set of his gas & the third will explode him.
                        Damage: Final Explosion-30 max Poison Rate-5 a turn.
                        * Dig a tunnel under a group of worms, then send it down the tunnel.
Mad Cow (F11)           Usage: Set the amount with the number buttons. then let 'em rip with
                               a single tap of the spacebar.
                        Damage: 75 max.
                        * Move in the opposite direction while letting them loose, to kill
                          worms on both sides of you.
Old Woman (F11)         Usage: Same as Sheep
                        Damage: 75 max.
                        * Drop between 2 enemy worms so she isn't miss used.
Freeze (F12)            Usage:Space Bar
                        * Can be helpful if you're halfway on a trip to a worm.
                        * Really if you use this, you're prolonging the inevitable.
                        / See Petrol Bomb for a sure fire (bad pun!) way to \
                        \ overcome the invincibility of a worm using this.  /



|Manual Utilities|

Jetpack      * Good for dropping dynamite and such then getting away fast.
Low Gravity  * If you've run out of Jetpacks and Ninja Ropes this can be a saver.
Fast Walk    * Helps you travel a grater distance in one turn.
             * Good for getting away quick from dropped dynamite.
Laser Target * Helpful if you're a newbie. Most useful with the kamikaze, so you don't
               waste a worms life.
Invisibility * Only useful on the net.
|Automatic Utilities|
Double Turn Time * Increases turn time by two fold.
2x Damage        * Increases damage from all weapons, apart from the Battle Axe.
Crate Shower     * Showers about 6 crates on to the terrain, 1 is usually a Super Weapon.
Crate Spy        * Lets you see what is in any crate.

iii)Super Weapon Descriptions

Earthquake (F2)           * Boom Boom Shake the Room! er terrain? This throws unsuspecting
                            worms and objects clear off their perches by an earthquake.
                          * Only use if you're inland, away from cliffs.
Mail Strike (F6)          * It's a wind effected strike, and its bombs are slightly more
                            powerful than the ones in a Air Strike.
Mine Strike (F6)          * Watch out, it's very erratic! These mines bounce everywhere.
                          * A good idea is to use a Napalm Strike before you use it, so the
                            terrain is textured so the mines settle faster.
Mole Squadron (F6)        * Digging version of the Air Strike.
Scales of Justice (F8)    * Equally distributes out everybody's energy.
Sally (F9)                * Cluster version of an Old Woman.
MB Bomb (F9)              * Useless (to a degree) wind effected floating Dynamite.
Ming Vase (F10)           * Like a cluster version of Dynamite.
French Sheep Strike (F10) * Best way to describe it is an Air Strike that has bouncing missiles
                            that give off flames (very funny).
Mikes Carpet Bomb (F10)   * Bouncy version of an Air Strike.
Concrete Donkey (F11)     * Bounces until it makes a bloody big hole in the terrain, while
                            squishing worms.
Indian Nuclear Test (F11) * Scare off Pakistan with fusion of a ground sinking kind.
                          * Also poisons all worms much like a skunk. However, I think the
                            energy loss is slower.
Armageddon (F11)          * Bruce Willis obviously didn't end up saving the planet. It calls a
                            barrage of Meteors or Comets (whatever) onto your Enemy's worms,
                            and unfortunately yours as well.
Magic Bullet (F12)        * Very intelligent version of the Homing Pigeon and causes more
                            damage as well... or maybe it's triangular crossfire.

Source for the above weapons gamefaqs.com

Mission 1 - Pumpkin Problems

Pumpkin Problems
  1. Walk to the right edge of the pumpkin that you start on and fire a ninja rope just below the oil drum. Retract the rope and try to bounce the rope off of the floor until you gain enough speed to move yourself over the oil drum so you can collect the crate containing the Baseball Bat. Walk behind the artillery worm next to you and aim your baseball bat horizontally and fire. The worm will fall into the three mines below, opening a hole down to the vital crate.
  2. Walk to the crate and collect it.

Mission 2 - Operation Market Garden

Operation Market Garden

Mission 3 - All Quiet in the Library

All Quiet in the Library

Mission 4 - Cool as Ice

Cool as Ice
  1. Use the jetpack to collect all the crates on the right side of the map (around where the tree is), without collecting those on the ice bridge above the enemy worm. Land your worm just to the right of the tree and fire a homing missile straight up with maximum power, targeting the crates on the bridge.
  2. If the fire from the exploded crates didn't knock the enemy worm into the water, use your second jetpack to fly over there and finish him off with the other weapons you've collected.

Mission 5 - Do the Locomotion

Do the Locomotion
  1. Climb up to the tree and firepunch Sniper into the water.
  2. Blowtorch through the tree, and collect the crate (it contains a girder).
  3. Place the girder so that you can use it as a ladder to climb to the top of the train.
  4. Trigger the mine then quickly jump away to avoid harm. The climb down the other side of the train, using the bungee where necessary, and collect the utility crate (it contains a jetpack). Stay put and wait for your next turn.
  5. Use the jetpack to collect the weapon crate on the far right of the map.

Mission 6 - Sand in Your Eye

Sand in Your Eye

Mission 7 - Not Mushroom Out There...

Not Mushroom Out There...
  1. Attach the ninja rope to the very edge of the mushroom, and swing your worm over on top of the mushroom. This may take a bit of practice. Collect the crate, and use the girder pack to build a walkway over the minefield. Stay on the first mushroom, so that Sentry can't shoot you.
  2. Use the walkway to collect the crate just to the right of the minefield, then teleport to the flashing crate on the far right.

Mission 8 - Big Shot

Big Shot

Mission 9 - Water Suprise

Water Surprise
  1. Stand on your other worm's head and fire the first arrow to the right, horizontally. Fire your second arrow at the highest mine. The best way to ensure a hit is to use the greatest possible firing angle and adjust the position of your worm until you get it right. The mine will bounce off and land at the bottom of the Eiffel Tower. You will need to retreat to the right a little bit to avoid triggering the mine.
  2. Without moving your worm, fire an arrow upwards with the maximum angle. Use your second arrow to shoot the remaining mine. The best way to ensure hitting it is to position your worm at the bottom of the pyramid's slope, and fire an arrow up with maximum angle. The mine will hit you, but this is unavoidable.
  3. Move to the bottom of the pyramid's slope and fire both arrows upwards with maximum angle.
  4. Climb the tower using backflips, then place a long girder so that you can reach the crate.
  5. Collect the crate and use the aquasheep to kill General. The aquasheep can be flown underwater.

An alternate strategy which is self explains

Water Suprise walktrough.jpg

Mission 10 - Jurassic Worm

Jurassic Worm

Mission 11 - Chemical Warfare

Chemical Warfare

Mission 12 - No Substitute

No Substitute

Mission 13 - Who Left the Flood-Gates Open

Who Left the Flood-Gates Open

Mission 14 - Super Sheep to the Rescue!

Super Sheep to the Rescue!

Mission 15 - Hot Stuff

Hot Stuff

Mission 16 - Trouble on Mount Wormore

Trouble on Mount Wormore

Mission 17 - Chateau Assassin

Chateau Assassin

Mission 18 - Rescue Agent Dennis

Rescue Agent Dennis

Mission 19 - Horny Nuke

Horny Nuke

Mission 20 - Rumble in the Farmyard

Rumble in the Farmyard

Mission 21 - Wooden Ambush

Wooden Ambush

Mission 22 - Go Bananas

Go Bananas

Mission 23 - The Drop Zone

The Drop Zone

Mission 24 - Countdown to Armageddon

Countdown to Armageddon

Mission 25 - Mars Star

Mars Star

Mission 26 - Mad Cows

Mad Cows

Mission 27 - Bazooka on the Rocks

Bazooka on the Rocks

Mission 28 - Stolen Goods

Stolen Goods

Mission 29 - Sinking Icecap

Sinking Icecap

Mission 30 - Aim Long, Aim True

Aim Long, Aim True

Mission 31 - Goody Two-Shoes

Goody Two-Shoes

Mission 32 - Trouble in the Toy Store

Trouble in the Toy Store

Mission 33 - Spectral Recovery

Spectral Recovery